chapter 424


Clifton Park

it's home

link to Clifton Park folder (50 pics)

Always wanted to document my home Town of Clifton Park. Attempt to capture it's essence as an exercise.

It will be a work in progress over time using this folder as a basis; then to add or subtract from it to end up with nice shots. Most of the pictures I've already used in prior chapters. This aerial photo was shot from a friend's Cessna on the way to Portsmouth NH 4/17/2013 for a lunch. We are looking south over the Shenendehowa high school campus. Daughter in law teaches at the Koda 8th grade building near the right hand side. Going further south the long body of water is the Stony Creek Reservoir I live next to and where I shot last week's Bald Eagle video. A little further down the southern border of Clifton Park is defined by the Mohawk River flowing from right to left toward the Hudson River. Beyond is the Albany Airport N-S runway.

Twenty minutes from home just across the Mohawk in Niskayuna is the Lishakill Preserve (just to the right off the above picture). We (sort of) repelled down a steep cliff to get to the stream bed, just to see if we could do it. Shot the selfie just in case we couldn't get back up to the trail. Figured if they found the camera on our bodies they'd know what we were up to.

It was a cool spring day but the sun made it enjoyable for a good workout of hip therapy.


Colleen enjoys the outdoors and is a good sport.

 link to my Great Horned Owl with babies video

The swamp 20 minutes north has a nice Heron Rookery with other critters. Caught the youngins in a smaller size this year.  Video works well.
