chapter 392


The Hawk

spiritual guide

This young Cooper's Hawk came at dusk to visit the Fire Cherry tree behind my bird feeders this week. He's keeping an eye out for a vulnerable song bird or squirrel that he can eat.

I've noticed them here over the years but was never able to get the image capture. They usually skulk about quietly hopping among the tree branches to stay obscured. This young one seemed to be less a practiced hunter, more brazen, and thus revealed more of himself to me.

They are majestic birds of prey. It is said that if a Hawk has flown into your life be aware that there is a message to be received and interpreted. Hawks hold the key to higher consciousness and bring certain things into your circle of awareness. Hawks represent the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences if you choose to become more observant.

It was just a couple days later on a kayak trip when I took the time to photograph an obscure brown bird flittering among the Lily pads. It was pointed out to me this was the female Red-winged Blackbird, a species that may be the most common in all of America. I'd known the easily identifiable male by it's namesake characteristics all my life. It was one of my first ever pictures from the 50's when we hunted them with BB guns. Yet, I'd never been aware of what the female looked like and doubt that very few people would either.

That was but a simple tangible example of the power of the hawk. The Hawk represents a messenger in the Native American culture. The messages vary and can affect all levels our psyche. This power animal enables us to awaken vision and inspires a creative life purpose. One will become aware of omens and spirit messages. Spiritual guides let us see beyond the ordinary with a new perspective.

I was focusing on the young one taking numerous photos when I widened my view and realize his Mom had silently flown in near by to overlook his safety. They sat there silently moving their heads 360 degrees checking out the territory. The shot above was a day earlier when the screeching Mother called her son back to be by her side. 

I think it's an adult pair with 2 young who probably have a nest nearby, perhaps right in my neighbor Colleen's tall White Pines. Have added more of their family shots to my Backyard Birds 4 but I know that's not for everyone. This young one flew to Colleen's roof peak sitting there for quite some time looking back at me. Was thinking he was drying out his feathers from the earlier rain for better flight, part of the fledgling process, maybe just keeping his balance, or some other meaning. 

Cooper's Hawk on Youtube    "Raising, training..." very cool

NYC birders are very active nice shots their Central Park Red-tailed Hawks.
