Run No.81 1st March 2015

投稿日: Mar 07, 2015 1:4:11 PM

Scribe: Fullerair

Hare: Santa Marita

Start Time: 15:00

Start Location: Nihon-Odori

Weather: Rain

Run Type: A-A

It was a cold, windy and rainy day. I was sitting on the sofa watching reruns of Law & Order wondering to my self why am I going to leave the comfort of my sofa and beer fridge only a short distance away. The heater was on and I was content, however, it was Hash Sunday and time to go!

When I left Nihon-Odori Station in Yokohama I got excited, there was a hash mark pointing to the intersection. On arrival at the intersection I noticed a lady with a winter coat on looking confused. It turned out it was Desparado. I then saw G.O.T. and Cliff hanger also looking a little confused. The trail ran cold after one chalk mark.

A few minutes later a very tired looking Santa Maria appeared out of the rain and asked, “Are there no chalk marks?”…… I began to get worried.

SM pointed us to the direction of the start. As we walked across the windy plaza we noticed a very cold looking Kim Will Run fiddling with a stove which was set up next to a cooler of beer. Coffee crossed my mind for the first time at the start of a hash, usually it is SM and a few others quaffing a Chew Hi or a can of beer.

Eventually, we all arrived at the start and after being reassured that the trail had been remarked in flour that morning all will be well other than there were no marks between the start and Yamashita koen which was about ½ a kilometer away. After snooping around we found the trail at the entrance to the park. After a kilometer or 2 the trail went cold. Cliffhanger and G.O.T. went down one road and others in different directions. After a good 5 minutes we thought we were done until someone noticed some flour on the road that G.O.T. travelled. Then we saw more flour and we were back on trail.

All went well until we crossed under the tracks at Kannai station. From there there was no such thing as a trail. Local experts Wiggy and Frenchie then took the bull (hashers) by the horn and lead us on a wonderful run through Noge and Sakuragicho. We eventually ended up at the Akarenga buildings and Yamashita park again. There the trail (well the path as there was no trail!) took three routes. Wiggy to the left, Frenchie to the right and Cliffhanger down the middle. I followed Wiggy and as we hit the water I noticed Cliffhanger running up a ramp which took him literally over the finish line! We all came in about the same time and after getting out of wet clothes the treats came out. Bisconti had a selection of Tamago Yaki to share and Frenchie fresh off of a visa run to Korea some wonderful candies. Too bad she did not bring back some spicy Kim Chi as it would have gone down nice in the cold!

The On-on was a short walk away from the circle and this was welcome as by now the rain was pummeling down at full force. The restaurant was one which we had visited years ago and it was just as good as the first time. This being St. David’s day the highlight of the meal was Leek Gratin. As a finishing touch SM ordered a special dish of sirloin steak which was very tasty! The wine was plenty and the leftover beer was also taken care of as the restaurant was kind enough to let us drink our own beer as well.

A good balance of food and drink, a great run considering the weather. We were all pretty tired at the end and the photo of SM at the restaurant about summed it up.