Run No.138 1st December 2019

投稿日: Jan 18, 2020 3:24:28 AM

Jesus & Jimmy Hash

Hares: Gerbil Stuffer & Whore With No Name

The hash occurred a week earlier than the regular Sunday schedule so that Whore With No Name’s wife Semen Commander could participate. The hashers gathered near Nobi train station to socialize and drink. Santa Maria and Kim Will Run arrived first. It was a beautiful day, we really lucked out with the weather. The sun was shining and it wasn’t too cold. Hashers started arriving in their Jimmy Buffet Hawaiian shirts. Bloody Gash, Safety Last & Whiplash joined the group. Crusader, Desperato, Sweetie, Pasoconti, Fulleraire, and Cliff Hanger filed in. Margaret Snatcher collected the bags for the hashers while the hasher drank beer. Gerbil Stuffer held chalk talk for the group before leaving the pack with Whore With No Name at 2:30 pm as live hares. Sweetie said next live hare, the hare needs to leave 10 minutes earlier so the pack can depart on the scheduled time. The pack held back for 10 minutes to give the hares a lead. The trail took the hashers through neighborhoods up and down inclines. There were many, many checks to slow the pack down. When the hashers arrived at the beach along Kitashitauri Kaigan-dori Street, the trail was not clear. Safety Last and Cliff Hanger were ahead of the pack trying to find trail. After some time the true trail was found. Shortly thereafter, the hashers headed into the shiggy through Kurihama Flower Park. Along the way the hashers passed by Godzilla slide. When the hashers left the park area, a “beer near” sign was observed. The trail had come to a close at Shinmei Park. A distance of approximately 7-8 kilometers. There was no turkey-eagle split. Gerbil Stuffer prepared the hashers frozen margaritas along with an assortment of snacks. After the group socialized and drank beer, Sweetie called the hashers to circle up. No introductions were made as there were no new visitors or virgins. Semen Commander brought a Disney cross dress t-shirt from No Balls, a state side kennel. It was given to Whiplash as a gift. The hashers then parades to the OnOn at a local mall restaurant. The food consisted of salad, pizza and pasta. Not all were happy with the food as it was not the norm Hayama traditional meal. There was plenty of beer and other alcoholic beverages for all.