4H Run No.19, 6 June 2010

投稿日: Jun 14, 2010 3:1:32 PM

From: Pasoconti

Hare : Sweetie, FullerAir

Runners : 19

Cliffhanger, Crusader, Desperado, Pasoconti, Bisconti, Dlagonfly, Tapeworm,

Rapunzel, Brough Inferior, Heyaman, Kim-will-run, Santa Maria, Nikudoko and others.

Trail length : 12Km

The best record was 01:45 by Crusader.

The 2nd record was 01:47 by Cliffhanger, Rapunzel and Nikudoko.

It was a fine clear day. It has rained heavily only once in 4H since Nov 2008 when it began.

Some hashers must be "Hare-Otoko" or "Hare-Onna". 19 runners gathered in fornt of JR Zushi station

at 3:00 pm.To my surprise, Heyman had beach sandals on! He ran as it was.

Sweetie described today's hash to every-runners. "Regrettably, FullerAir (who was another today's hare) is absent because of keeping vigil of relative. Some arrows might be erased by security guardsbecause the Emperror is staying at the Imperial villa.(I remembered that he said he had almost been displaced from Japan before for his suspicious behavior - writting arrows arond the Inperial villa.) Today's trail is so long, so let's move to Kazahayabashi by bus, and we will start from there."

Excepting "Brough Inferior", runners got on the bus and no sooner had they gotton off the bus than they started running. It was about 3:15 pm.

"Brough Inferior" went home by bicycle and came here on foot. I waited for him and started about 3:25 pm.

The beginning of the trail is hiking course. It's like a mountain climbing. It was so tough for me. There were no check points in the mountain, so interval between I and the first runner wouldn't

shrink. I and "Brough Inferior" passed "Dlagonfly", "Santa Maria", "Tapeworm", "Desperado", "Kim-will-run" and others.

Because they seemed to be so tired. I was worried that couldn't reach thegoal. At last we caught up with Bisconti.

We climbed and climbed, then we came to Horinouchi-area. The houses are large and luxury in this area. Though the trail was hard, I could get good feeling while running in Hayama. I think that the mood in Hayama was very special and differrnet from any other places.

We went another mountain, we found out Khanompang. I was so hungry at that time, I want to have some breads. Unfortunately, all breads were sold out. The storekeeper said "Some people made a lot of noise about destination they shuld go." We found out check point in front of this bakery.

We passed Hayama elementary school, we encountered another mountain. The arrows changed to blue fromwhite color. The interval between arrows was long, so that I supplemented the trail with white arrows.

While I saw two female runners on the way, they disappeared forward soon. "Brough Inferior" had gone ahead. I and Bisconti walked long long load and at last, managed to reach our goal.

It was about 5:15 pm. Here was Suigenchi-iriguchi.

Ishii-san had already set for BBQ. 8~10 hashers had been in a relaxed mood. I thought others would delay more than an hour;however, they apperared about 30 minutes after.

We made a circle. We each introduced ourselves and remarked about today's trail. Heyman was

appointed as next hare. Good luck!

BBQ included a head of tuna, bonitoes, chicken, organic vegetables and potatoes, and so on.

Everything was amazing. I had'nt eaten such a big tuna before. It was funny that everyone poked tunawith chopsticks desperately. Fortunately, we could eat Ishii-san's Artichoke and Sweetie's Gelato.

That was fantastic experience. It was funny that we lined having plate for Gelato as if we were in the world war Ⅱ. I discussed the machinery of society with Ishii-san, "Brough Inferior" and "Kim-will-run".

I am always interested in Ishii-san's talk. He seems to know the another side od the world.

"Santa Maria" was glorious and shouting "Kingdom! Kingdom!"

We very appreciate his concern and the rest room he offered. I hope the original 4H BBQ will be palnned again by Sweetie in this year!

We got on the bus at about 10:00 pm for going home. I was still in a dream with Tequila Sunrise...








Brough Inferior以外はバスで移動して、バスを降りるとみんな走り出した。時間は15:15くらい。

僕はBrough Inferiorが家に自転車を置いて来るのを待ってからスタートした。時間は15:25くらいかな。



ないし。それでも僕とBrough InferiorはDlagonfly, Santa Maria, Tapeworm, Desperado,Kim-will-run など









けど、先にどんどん行ってしまった。その後Brough Inferiorも先に行ってしまった。そして、長い長い道を









配給みたいでおかしかった。石井さとBrough InferiorとKim-will-runと今の世の中について議論した。社会の




