Run No.129 10th March 2019

投稿日: May 05, 2019 11:40:35 PM

Manazuru sea and primeval forest Hash

Scribe: Bleeding Gash

Course: A to B

Weather: Cloudy

Location: Manazuru Station

Hares: Hymen, Pasconti

Distance: Eagle 16KM, Turkey 12KM

Hashers: 17

On-On After: Ebisu Chaya

If there was a theme for the day on the Manazuru Sea and Primeval Forest Hash, it would have been “Where’s the Chalk?” About 15 hashers made there way to the Manazuru station with the course set by Hymen and Pasoconti. All the hashers were ecstatic to learn, at the pre-run circle of love, that there would be 16 checkpoints. 16 checkpoints - hmmm this might be a long run. As the hashers moved out we crossed under the road and were on our way. At one of the first checkpoints the faster runners set out in three directions all to come back shaking their head. Hmm - this might be a long run. Those sneaky hares didn’t keep us shaking our heads for long though. The trail was found again down a inconspicuous set of set of stairs. The hashers happily jogged for awhile along the water, passing a young lady fishing in a mini skirt and high heels. It seems Whiplash and myself were the only ones who noticed the admirable fishing attire. Next we went up to a beautiful temple, ran down the stairs and were confuzzled again. Where’s the chalk? Found the check back but now where. The group spread out once again and finally found the on/on on the road around the corner. Again more running along the water until the next “shaking my head” checkpoint. Gerbil Stuffer and Bloody Gash were in the front. Gerbil went through the woods and Bloody Gash went up and around the corner not once but twice before finding the chalk. With the trail found again and yet another checkpoint. Gerbil Stuffer headed out through the woods like John Candy in the movie Volunteers singing “Fight, Fight, Fight for Washington State.” and wasn’t seen again until the end. Hashers ran up and down through the primeval forest and then turkeys and eagles split. The eagles continued on down to the beach again and back up through the forest.

The eagles continued on and on and on and there was a debate about how many checkpoints was it 10 or 13 or 16? As the eagles jogged down from the hills and our GPS’s indicated we were well past 6 miles (10 Km) we anticipated the beer stop around every corner, but noo, it wasn’t there. The eagles continued on and on missing one of the final arrows toward the beer stop which added an additional ½ mile to their run. The eagles finally arrived at the beer to stop to greeted by everyone else who had already been at the beer stop long enough to be at least one beer ahead. As the rain moved in the closing circle was quickly called and most of the hashers headed for a dinner.

Thanks Hymen and Pasoconti for setting the course, well done.