4H Run No. 30, 5 June 2011

投稿日: Jun 12, 2011 10:55:38 AM

From: Miko

Despite beautiful weather the day before, it was cloudy and a bit chilly when the 30 or so hashers (including a few “virgins”) gathered at Chojagasaki for the monthly Hayama Hash. A very good turnout, but with beer and a BBQ promised at the end, this was no surprise.

When all were ready, the Hare (Hymen) acquainted us with the course he lovingly marked earlier that day. It was clear from his instructions that some slippery mountain trails were in store for us, but we didn’t know just how slippery they were (and why Hymen’s Crocs were so muddy!) until some time later…

At exactly 3PM, the group started off on Route 134 towards Misaki in high spirits, running along the coast and enjoying the great view of the beach to our right. A few check points were encountered along the way, but they were relatively easy and the FRBs had little trouble finding the next arrow.

It wasn’t long before the trail led us into the mountains. It was fun in the beginning, running on boardwalks and stepping stones across a stream. However, the challenge was what followed; a ridiculously muddy (and seemingly endless) course up to the top of Mt. Ogusu (Elev. 242m), which no doubt slowed most of us down (and soiled many pairs of running shoes in the process). Thankfully, the trail was well-marked, though some complaints were raised against the false beer sign marked halfway down Ogusu-yama (I was fortunate enough to miss this mark entirely and was therefore spared the emotional torment incurred by other less fortunate hashers who rejoiced that the goal was near when, in reality, it really wasn’t). As it turned out, the Hare got lost when marking the trail and put the beer sign there by mistake! Donmai, Hymen!

Although the way down was slightly less slippery, it was a relief to get back onto paved road after the treacherous mud trail through the mountains. After coming out alongside the Yoko-Yoko, the trail took us onto Route 27 and continued for another 2km or so until we (finally!!) reached our goal, and some much-needed beer.

Everyone made it to Ishii-san’s without injury (though some by cab/bus), and after the usual self-introductions and announcements were made (a highlight: Cliffhanger was given a fabulous pewter cup with engravings and a naked woman appropriately on the handle as a farewell gift) and the Hare critiqued and applauded, we all sat down to a wonderful meal which included fresh artichoke and other vegetables, grilled chicken, seared bonito, roast beef, roasted rice-balls, Bisconti’s biscuits and Cliffhanger’s Sasebo treats accompanied by plenty of beer and wine (and Sweetie’s delicious, but extra-strong Campari sodas). Of course everything was eagerly consumed and there were no leftovers. I think it’s safe to say that everyone had a blast. Thank you Ishii-san for the great food and thank you all for a fantastic time!