4H Run No. 38, 5th February 2012

投稿日: Feb 11, 2012 11:57:32 PM

Hare: Always Open (Virgin Hare Trail Setter)

Distance: 10k Check Points: 9 with 1 short, short cut

Start Time: 14:30 Ishikawacho Station

Runners: Approx 25 (Virgins: 4, including me)

Scribe: Heather “Yet to be Named” Farrell

The weather this Sunday was quite chilly which ended up being a very nice temp for running or jogging. Well, I imagine it would have been great for running but that is just a guess on my part! We all met shortly after 2pm at the Ishikawacho Station which should have been a clue as to the likely route, better for me that ended up being a surprise which left me far less time to lament before starting off. Once Fullerair collected the money and all the bags were safely stowed in someone's boot, we were off - STRAIGHT UP THE HILL! Ok I thought, get the hardest part out of the way straight off (new-be, I know) up toward Yamate we went.

This being my first ever Hash, I really had no idea what to expect and once again, ignorance was bliss while it lasted. We meandered up, down and around, over & over again along side lovely parks, past temples, on a great walking/jogging trail and by a few nice vantage points with terrific views. The scenery was great, that's for sure. The hills were steep, and there were many! As told to me by Wiggy, the trail was well received and was a good runners trail. I am sure I will agree with that sentiment if I ever catch my breath! LOL

As we came down to a main road I recognized the tunnels leading back to Motomachi and I remember feeling great relief that we must almost be there, until the dreaded arrow pointed straight up the hill that goes over top of said tunnel……(bummer). This was actually the never ending hill which looked challenging from the start, and continued to get steeper and steeper as corners were rounded and revealed yet further inclines. At what I now think was likely the steepest part I managed to blurt out a few words in a row that included something about slapping the Hare who picked this route. Obviously that never happened but it might have if Always Open was standing anywhere near the top when I finally got up there…..! It was beautiful up on top of the hill though and coming down the back side included a killer set of stairs that I was so thankful to be descending.

We came through a new to me, quieter part of Motomachi and headed for Chinatown, which was awesome. If I had been looking for the arrows I think they may have been a bit difficult to spot with all the people walking the streets on the 2nd last day of Chinese New Year. Lucky for me I was only searching for the little, pink bobbing hat which belongs to Frenchy who was kind enough to stick with me and show me the roaps on my first Hash. As soon as we saw the park and knew we must be close to the finish, paces started picking up and a race was on between Frenchy & Sweetie who were quickly out of sight with Frenchy having the definitive lead. Go girl! Coming around the corner towards the waiting group of Hashers was just great, there were cheers and smiles and clapping which was so appreciated! Thanks guys!

Although I was not there to see it with my own eyes, I was told that Crusader was the first to arrive, followed by Pasconti, Wiggy, Good On Top and Hymen. My little group came in at around 1:20 and included Frenchy, Sweetie, Dragon Fly, Desperado (awesome name!) and Tape Worm (I think). We were soon followed up by two other groups, one consisting of 2 injured parties involving knees and shins including Fullerair and my yet to be named hubby, and then the final few diehards, lead to the finish by Santa Maria. Very enjoyable and good fun! Personally, I could hardly believe what I had just done. I am not a natural runner/jogger and have always found it quite challenging but I must say this was the most fun & enjoyable jog I have ever taken part in. What a nice surprise.

As seems to be the norm, there was an abundance of beer, some wine and other drinks along with good munchies waiting for everyone at the park. A few groups formed and it might have been the most noise I have heard from any group of people in Yokohama since arriving 4 weeks ago, that is until we got into the restaurant for some proper food and more drinks and lots more loud visiting! Before leaving the park though, the circle was formed and introductions were made along with two new names being given to Ooh La La, and Spank Me. Although it may not be for me to say, I would like to suggest a slight name change from Spank Me, to Spanky, which is just about as cute as the newly named Hasher herself which I dare say was the intention!

In summary, it goes without saying there was plenty of booze at the park & restaurant which also had good food, but I think we needed more volume....... The Hash itself was awesome, especially once completed! I did hear a few comments that the "near beer" sign should be have been nearer to the beer!

Overall: very enjoyable and we (2 Canucks waiting for names) are very glad to have taken part in the day! Look forward to the next time!