Hayama Hash 5th Anniversary Poem 10 nov 2013

投稿日: Mar 11, 2014 4:44:6 AM

Follow the arrows as in number they grow To a destination we don't know Check points that confuse and false trails is seems Is the best of hares perfect dreams Be it mountain top or running streams We do observe many a beautiful scene Seeing Mount Fuji or Hayamas seashore With such great excersize Who could ask for more Don't forget down downs which some times offend When some one gets a hash name they dislike and condemn But all in all, all it's all great fun Not to mention the spent energy and a fantastic run We must also mention the closing parties with the best of sake and the greatest of wine And the very best of foods that simply divine To all the hashers remember the sounds of On -On Let's all keep hashing till all our days are done
