H4 No.57

投稿日: Jul 07, 2013 3:30:28 PM

Those who wish to attend must enter into Facebook event, either send e-mail

directly or send e-mail to; run4h@yahoo.com

It is time to run, walk or crawl again!

When: July 7, 2013

Where: 3 PM Zushi Station (Beach side as usual!)

Hares: Fullerair, Whiplash and Safety Last

As you all know the heat is on! Temperatures are rising and the humidity with it! We will have an exotic beverage stop to quench the thirst! Know that when you are running people are preparing that frozen concoction which is so familiar to anyone who has ever been to a beach before! Complete with music blaring away in the back ground!

Dinner will be at a very popular fish restaurant which is one of the highest ranked in the area. Please let me know by email or on Facebook if you are NOT able to eat fish and or seafood. We can arrange vegetarian food for you as an alternative.

As usual please RSVP to this Mail or Facebook before Friday July 5th so that we can get the numbers to the restaurant.

