Run No.66 2 Feb 2014

投稿日: Feb 12, 2014 2:6:40 PM

Scribe Whiplash

Hares: Desperado & Pussy Pad

Distance: Eagle 10km/3 Hills - Turkey 6km 2 Hills

Check Backs: 3

Start Time: 14:30

Start Location: Kitayamata A to B run in Kohoku New Town Area

Weather: Warm & Sunny!

Points of Interest: 3

Hashers: 22

Platinum Pork, Good On Top, Cliffhanger, Crusader, Jelly Mouth, Sweetie, Dragonfly, Code Poo (bear :))), Old Sock, Do Me Next Week, Matt, Amy, Bloody Nipples :-/, Travisty (SP?) Santa Maria, Kim Will Run, Fullerair, Tape Worm, Pasconti, Safety Last, Whiplash, Nishiguchi-san

The weather forecast on this day was a 40% chance of rain on a warm day of about 15c. We had the warmth, but not the rain making it a lovely, Spring like day! As I write this 1 week later the snow is coming down sideways and I can barely see across the street, let alone the 3+ inches that have already come down! Mean while, last week..... the new town area of Kohoku was virgin territory for the 4H which was well received by the hashers. We arrived via the Yokohama Subway to a very good turn out considering the dismal forecast.

Desperado and Pussy Pad gave a thorough briefing outlining the 3 check backs and 3 points of interest to watch out for along the way. These included pit dwellings from the Yayoi Age which dates back to 300 BC and AD 300 (very cool), an interesting 25+ foot statue of a gorilla that could have been King Kong presiding over an intersection, and a Ferris Wheel to make the center of any new town complete.

Our trail took us along many wide walk ways, through several lovely parks, up more than enough stairs and through a few amazing bamboo forests which, even after 2 short years here, still blows my mind! We did a bit of trail running that lead us up - or around a mini Mt. Fuji with a view point on top. Soon after coming upon the pit dwellings we descended through the final (for the Turkeys anyway) stand of tall bamboo and hit the streets once again. As promised, King Kong was waiting for us with his arm high in the air and not long after that we came upon the Eagle/Turkey split in the trail. Knowing those long check backs were now out of the way, the Eagles soared back into the hills while the Turkeys ran the streets in vain, searching for the instant relief that comes from glimcing the 'beer near' sign. Ahh but this adrenaline fueled, final burst was only meant for the Eagles this time! Ironically though, the Turkeys did such a great job following the well placed arrows to the finish that we arrived before the hares (or Eagles). With no indication that the circle would soon be forming around us, we carried on looking for the next arrow! LOL After about 20 minutes of searching around the general vicinity of the Ferris Wheel we called Desperado who immediately came to our rescue, bringing us back to the very place we stood earlier only to meet the smiling faces of a few of the fastest Eagles. Darn it, I wanted to be smiling at them as came to the finish. Oh well, maybe next time!

The circle was awesome! We had, I would say, some of the best and most abundant nibbles this green hasher has ever seen at a circle. Desperado brought a selection of homemade pound cakes (extra points, ding ding ding) that she prepared just for us, so yummy! We enjoyed chocolate covered macadamias (OMG), taco chips and salsa, potato chips and the usual assortment of alcoholic refreshments. I have to admit when I saw that Costco bag I was more than a little excited to see what was inside... :))) It did get chilly fast and the bathroom was a good 5 minute walk with a queue for the ladies, bummer. It was clean and warm though which is rarely the case.

After a short walk to the Taiwanese restaurant, 20 of us were treated to a delicious meal that included sweet & sour prawns, pork & jellyfish, stir fried pork, spring rolls, octopus & veg dish, stir fried rice, soup that I hope was not sh*rk f!n, and a few others I've probably forgotten.

This hash trash would not be complete without mentioning how much we enjoying watching Cliffhanger do the funky chicken, as he desperately tried to save the spill he nearly took after backing over someone who was crouched down behind him (probably going for some of those devilish chocolate covered macs) had he been less agile that afternoon. Of course it should end here, but I feel it would not be complete without a full rendition of what we saw, which suffice to say can be seen anytime in the music video of Mr. Roboto... Cliffhanger, good thing you already have a name! Are you Roboto fan? You seem to know the moves ; )))

But wait, there's more! We went on to make 4H history that night when two no-names were named! We saw Ben the 'legal beagle' from the base be forever known from this point forward as 'Bloody Nipples' after he was overheard complaining about the roughness shall we say, of the inside of the 4H shirt. Further investigation revealed that he was apparently a silent participant in this conversation and it seems that it is all hear-say anyway; nonetheless the name stands! And then there is our Travis who is now warmly known as Traviste (correct spelling with an 'e'?) for reasons only his mother knows, but we like it!

On! On!