Rum No.164 20th November 2022

Scribe: Crudader

Date: 20th November 2022

Hares: Fullerair + Just a pick up

Run Type: A to B

Weather: Rain

Participants: 16

World First!! Hash Trash Produced by ChatGPT AI (That’s artificial intelligence for Sweetie and the other old farts born in the 19th century)

Run No. 164 (Hares: Fullerair and Hiro): Schrodinger’s Trail

There is a first time for everything, and I am happy to report that (in addition to the AI input) November’s 14th Anniversary trail established a link between the noble art of Hashing and the rarified field of quantum mechanics. How so? I hear you ask.

Let me introduce Professor Erwin Schrodinger, a Nobel prize-winning physicist with a colourful personal life (including a menage-a-trois lifestyle and a predilection for underage sex), but most famous for his cat. This wasn’t a real cat, but nevertheless a cat which has given rise to some interesting internet memes and T-shirt designs. I won’t bore you with all the details of his thought experiment, except to say that he showed that a cat can’t be both alive and dead, thus disproving the then-prevailing theory that (to simplify just a little) we can’t know anything until it is observed, so anything is possible until then. (“What a lot of bollocks!”, the good professor could be heard to proclaim when he wasn’t shagging teenage girls.)

The connection to our run? Well, we assembled on a wet afternoon at the usual car park just outside Zushi station. There Fullerair gave us the customary chalk talk and even described some of the marks we might encounter on his A to B “trail”: arrows, checks, checkbacks, etc. “Keep your eyes peeled for the lampposts”, he earnestly advised. The more-than-somewhat-sceptical pack then set off in the rain, but could this “trail” be found? In a word, no! The Eagles found nothing, the Turkeys found nothing, and it was only through panicked phone calls to the Hare or inspired guesswork that the pack was able to find the finish at that beach at Morito Kaigan that is so close to our founders’ hearts.

So was there a trail or wasn’t there? The Hare maintains that there was, but all the runners who tried to find it will equally forcefully tell you there wasn’t. The same Hare is due to set December’s “trail” from the same spot next Sunday, and the pre-run announcement tells us that “this is not going to be the same trail as before”. Which begs a simple question: how will we ever know?

On! On!
