4H Run No. 25, 12 December 2010

投稿日: Jan 10, 2011 2:0:43 AM

From: Tin Man

Hares : Sweetie & Dragonfly

Start & Finish : On the beach at Hayama

Runners : 12 -15

Distance : Approx 10km (but may be measured on horizontal axis only and not include additional yardage from ascents and descents along the vertical axis).

Reporter : Tin Man

The day started pleasantly enough with Tapeworm dropping by for coffee to take care of some business matters. Once that was done, Tapeworm announced that he was off to Zushi for a Hash and suggested that I join him. The day was bright and sunny, if a little chilly, and, somewhat rashly, I succumbed to his persuasion. And so it was that I found myself on the beach at Hayama at 15:00, together with a dozen or so others, waiting for the off. On-On! Crusader, Hymen and Cliffhanger (Reindeer in full costume complete with antlers, no less) set a cracking pace on the flat and tarmacked early part of the course. However, this proved impossible to sustain when confronted by the first of the many hills that had to be conquered before we reached home. Soon the field was strung out (in every meaning of the words) as aching thighs struggled against gravity on the steep climbs and then negotiated the uneven surfaces, tree roots, mud, fallen leaves and vegetation along the woodland trails. At least the hares had been diligent in setting the trail and it was generally well-marked and easy to follow with just a couple of quirks and checks / check-backs thrown in to make sure that we were paying attention. Time was getting on and the light was fading fast. Concern arose for the safety of stragglers, who might have to descend treacherous steps in the twilight that was growing ever dimmer. Realising the danger, Sweetie rushed to head off those at the rear and divert them onto a flatter, better lit, but significantly longer alternative route for the final part of the course. Meanwhile, the leading pack of runners continued to push ahead with Reindeer now sufficiently warmed up to have shed the upper part of his costume. On-On! The legs were sore now and the breathing more strained but the spirit remained willing and, eventually, the last hill was behind us and we were back on concrete for the run in to home. Crusader and Hymen stretched their strides and, from somewhere, summoned up the strength for a spurt to the finish, coming home in just under one hour and twenty minutes from the start. Reindeer and Tin Man followed in their footsteps a couple of minutes later. Desperado (I think) arrived as the leading pack was enjoying their post-run beers and the others filed in just as the last of the daylight disappeared. Perfect timing, and a perfect finish to an excellent run! As is customary, the Hash then repaired to a local establishment (pre-selected by Sweetie and Dragonfly) for the serious business of food and refreshment. Unfortunately, however, your report writer was unable on this occasion to join that part of Hash and so can comment no further.