4H Run No.18, 9 May 2010

投稿日: Jun 02, 2010 2:20:34 PM

From Tapeworm :

Hare: Rapunzel

Runners: 22

Weather: sunny, warm, light breeze

A good crowd of runners and non-runners assembled, as per the On Sec’s somewhat belatedly issued notice, at the sea-side (South) exit of Zushi JR station (A). The very Live Hare was restlessly bouncing from foot to foot like boxer, ready to demolish his opponent, complicated instructions were issued and repeated for the self-professed short-cutters, mobile phone numbers were exchanged - as were high altitude survival tips and locations of rehydration points etc. It’s A to B, gotta keep up… No need to take a few Yen for a taxi if we don’t know where we are going.

At 3.00pm plus a bit, the Hare sprang from the trap like a whippet, disappearing into the eki-mae crowds, on course for (B). At 3.15 the pack ambled off in the direction of the sea, picking up speed as the trail was sniffed-out successfully. Soon (<1km) the first check allowed everyone to reassemble and mill around. Took a while to suss this one out, mainly due to inexperienced checking. After a 10 minute delay “On On!” was called and the trail wound through quiet Zushi streets, turning east and back towards the JR tracks, crossing the tracks and then searching out a way to get the intrepid hounds into the hills. The first of many steep and narrow jungle trails headed north… The pack became very spread out, probably because the hills sorted the sheep from the goats. Some parts were only negotiable by goats – great hash country, with good views and not too many snakes. The trail veered east, past some temples then down and up again, gradually turning south, finally dropping down and emerging into civilization where Route 131 emerges from its tunnel. It was then uphill again till the trail ran through a housing estate where the pack (middle runners, anyway), briefly reassembled, trying to sort out a check in the grid street layout. “On On!” again, as we entered some familiar H4 country, crossing some old trails and following others for a while, passing the hilltop tea shop and then down to the sea following a picturesque stream. Good to see the sea and experience the neat false trail that instructed “swim from here”. The final 2 km or so of the actual trail followed the coast road towards Zushi beach, then led into “town” to the On In and beer (very close to where we had started).

In summary, a very well marked trail (10 checks) over some good terrain. The Hare got round in just over an hour, never in danger of being caught; the first harriers were back about 20 minutes later and the backmarkers came in in about 2hrs. Apparently, no-one short cut. Seemed like about 9km to your scribe.

The weather was warm enough to really enjoy the cold beers and the lively circle that was eventually called by the DG. After self-introductions, the welcoming of visitors and returners, the DG invited comments on the run: these being mainly favourable, Rapunzel was toasted for a good job (his 57th trail in 7 days, said the DG). Santa Maria poetically commented on Run No 19, everyone exchanged news and got a more and more drunk as the afternoon wore off. Finally the nearby surfer restaurant opened and the On On On commenced. I can’t remember too much about this, except everyone seemed to be in a good mood despite the slow food service. Probably for the first time in 4H’s short history, a Hash song was sung/rendered by older hashers. The bill was a bit steep, considering the volume of food served and the fact that Santa Maria & Kim Will Run kindly donated a bottle of wine – but the ambience was excellent. Thankfully the restaurant was near the station…