4H No.23

投稿日: Sep 22, 2010 11:42:6 PM






October 10 will be from the Yokohama Media Business Center, Nearest

stations Nihon Odori , Minato mirai line exit 1 or the Nagishi line , Kannai

station.3:00pm start.

The front of the train coming from Yokohama and the back of the train

coming from Ofuna. The Theme will be famous landmarks but not landmark

tower . Some Beautiful views garmented.

Here is Sweetie's comment;

this run promises to be an improvement on

Santa Maria`s last trail, when the comment was made that `there were

more Arrows in Herod`s eye` than on this trail....hares have learnt

alot whether it has been absorbed is a different matter. Please give

them the benefit of the doubt because they try hard and the On-ons are

always excellent and worth a visit. I`m moved to say it would be great

to see you all.....