Run No.151 30th May 2021

投稿日: Jul 18, 2021 2:32:2 AM

Scribe: Cliffhanger

Hares: Hymen, Pasoconti, Asset Stripper

Venue: Hayama Park

Run Type: A to A

Distance: Eagle 16K, Turkey 11K

Weather: Sunny

Participants: 24 (include 3 virgins)

This is the write-up for Hayama Hash House Harriers May Run on 30 May. Hares: Hyman, Pasconti and No Name Hiromi. A to A

Kanagawa Kenritsu Hayama Park → along Shimoyama River→ Shonan Village→ Mount Oogusu→ along Akiya Coast → up Shimoyamaguchi → Kanagawa Kenritsu Hayama Park.

Sorry for the delay of the Hash Trash but it took me this long to recover from that long shitty trail. Let me start by saying that this trail reminded me of returning home, after being away for many years, going to my favorite restaurant eager to eat some good food. However, instead of ordering my favorite dish and enjoying a great meal, I order every item on the menu. I am stuffed, unable to eat all the ordered food and now I don’t want to go back to that restaurant anytime soon. Hint Hint. More is not always better!! The fastest route is a straight line.

Eagle was 16K (10mi) and Turkey was 11K (6.8mi). Many hashers were not interested in completing the true Eagle trail and instead became short-cut bastards by running a “straight line” from Akiya to the finish. Front Running Bastards (FRB) usually run about 5 - 10% more than the actual marked trail so my 17.5K (10.96mi) added insult to injury.

For newcomers, 8-11K is the normal distance for Eagle trail so hopefully you were not discouraged and will return to Hayama Hash again soon.

On a positive note: Thanks to No Name Hiromi, by sweeping the trail, all hashers returned safely. Additionally, the new “H*A*S*H Search and Rescue” squad were available to assist just in case. Besides the unwanted distance, Hares provide great views, beautiful sunset, and good conversation. Of course alcoholic beverages of beer and wine awaited all that finished. Hares, thanks but NO thanks!!

This is a short write-up, because something needed to be shorter on May Hash.

Welcome Back Susan (Semen Commander) and Paul (Whore with No Name).
