4 - Assessment Objectives Marketing.pdf

Unit 4: Marketing

In our everyday speech, the word marketing is often associated with advertisements and finding innovative ways of getting people to buy a product or service. However, unit 4 shows us that marketing is much more than that. 

Effective marketing requires consideration of everything from product quality to consumer perceptions and increasingly, engagement with people’s everyday lives to uncover needs that customers may not even be aware of themselves. 

Read the full syllabus content of unit 4


Stop. Think

Insights Into Human Behavior

A valuable skill of a marketer is to understand human behavior, emotions, perceptions, and how people make decisions.  Is this an easy task?

An inspiring talk by Behavioral Economics, Dan Ariely, the author of 'predictably irrational, sheds insights on just how unpredictable we are when making decisions...

Meets Some Marketing Managers

Meet Business Analysts drive continuous improvement at Google throughout the business by re-imagining every aspect of our business. 

Louise , Assistant Brand Manager for UFLP: "I can sit behind my desk and work on a new marketing text and then I'll see it in the back of a product packaging in 6 months time.  It's nice to see that end results that you can have an impact and be responsible for it, and feel proud of it when it actually lands on the shelves".

Meet Raymond, an intern at the marketing of Google/YouTube featuring the campaign of "life in a Day" and working on online distribution  and social media strategies

Pooja, Marketing Manager, BigBasket and in charge of analytics:  "Analytics means, to be able to use data to provide the best possible customer experience to our customers...from bringing in the data in, storing it, warehousing it, understanding it..." 

"Steve Jobs shares his amazingly different approach to marketing and how he used it to build Apple into one of the largest companies in the world".