Unit 4. Types of Organizations

The main forms of business organizations in the private sector


  1. Sole Trader

  2. Limited Liability

  3. Unlimited Liability

  4. Partnership

  5. Dividends

  6. Private Limited Company

  7. Public Limited Company

  8. Franchise

  9. Franchisee & Franchisor

Essential Questions

  1. Identify the differences between sole trader and partnership organizations

  2. Identify the differences between unincorporated businesses and limited companies

  3. Identify the differences between private limited companies and public limited companies

  4. Explain, using real world examples, what franchising is

  5. Recommend, evaluate and justify suitable forms of business organization in particular circumstances

Lesson Resources

Important to Watch

Unincorporated and incorporated businesses

Important to Watch

Limited and unlimited Liability

The real origin of the Franchise

Martha Metilda Harper

Owning a McDonald's Franchise

1.2 Corporations
5 - Types of Organisations