Operations Management


Unit 5: Operations Management

In this unit, students return to the fundamental rationale of business management: to make goods and services that meet consumers’ needs and wants. Without efficient operations leading to products and experiences customers are satisfied with, success in the other business functions is unsustainable. In unit 5, students learn how organizations manage their operations, whether in terms of achieving an optimal cost– quality ratio or the shortest supply chain; using the most ethical means or the latest innovative techniques; or applying the highest levels of quality assurance. 

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Suggested BM Tools to integrate


Suggested inquiry statements to explore:


Meet Some Operations Managers (OM)

Luis, OM of Oral B: "Any change that is happening to the toothbrush or floss world, I will manage the entire supply chain piece of it...my work is all about initiative, conversions, and getting the product into market"

OM at Google: "I meet cross-functional partners, gather data and requirements, and meet with stakeholders and then strategies and provide business insights that drives the business forward"

Henry, Sr. Marine Port OM: "Everyday is different in my role, one day helping the poor community recover from a major storm event and the next day arranging a major filming event".

Sandeep, OM of Amazon warehousing in India: "A feeling that I have shipped out so many customers smiles...that is what keeps me satisfied at the end of the day"

Tom Searle is OM for Leigh Fisheries: "It's all about getting the fish to the consumers while doing the least damage to the environment"

Nora Blair, Quality OM at Charles River Labs: "What I like best about my job is the overall purpose, I love that what I do day-to-day helps literally save humans lives"