Refers to the modification or transformation in the way business is conducted as a response to internal factors or external influences. 

Competition, new technologies and markets, and trends in consumer behaviour lead business organizations to adapt their objectives, strategies and operations. 

Success emerges from the ability to research and respond to signals in both the internal and external environment.

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Jamboard, Class of 2024

We're Living History

The Coronavirus provides most valuable lessons in Change.

Evolution & Change in the Workplace

"Few people have more insight than Nadella into how teams collaborate and innovate successfully.

HBR editor in chief Adi Ignatius interviewed the Microsoft CEO to discuss what team collaboration will look like going forward, the next generation of workplace technology, the new imperatives of leadership — and whether and when our future workplaces will in fact start to look like the “metaverse” fantasies of science fiction". (HBR, 2021)

To answer the question: what is the biggest source of innovation, Satya Nadella says: 

"Empathy. Being able to put ourselves in other peoples is the heart of design thinking"

Are you driving changes or are you being driven by it?

"Disruption has become the new normal" says a Futurist Gerd Leonhard. "Business as usual is dead. Increasingly, science fiction is becoming science fact. Exponential technologies are rapidly changing our lives and societies, every day, everywhere. We will need different skills, and we will need to get much better at driving change - or we will be driven by it. 

Most importantly, we should embrace technology but not become it. Anything that can be digitized or automated, will be - and anything that cannot be digitized or automated will become extremely valuable. Lastly, we must go beyond technology to define real human values in this new digital ecosystem. " (Leonhard, 2016)

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Meet adaptability quotient (AQ).

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Spot the differences

First - 1950s






Last - A Social Message Goes Viral 

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CUEGIS Connections: 


After Kodak Moment

"Kodak has prioritized its patent portfolio and the Eastman Business Park since it declared bankruptcy in 2012. Despite some success, the company might never live up to the legacy of its own past.: Watch the video: After the Kodak Moment

In a world with so much uncertainties...why do we resist Change?

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What do you thing about Kotter’s view? Do these ideas fit today's world? What are the ethical implications? Critically think & discuss… 

BM Slides

Debate Kodak - Developing your BM skills