
Place (part of the 4Ps) = Distribution (NOT location)

"getting the right products to the right customers at the right price in the right place and at the right time."

What is Place? (Distribution)

Comprehensive discussion

Connect to the supply chain

4.5 - Place

Featured Distribution (Supply-Chain) Diagrams, Class 2025

Bella (Sephora | Fine (B&J) | Seoyeon (MC) | Jimin (AIS) | Ally (Levi's) | Anwen (Rolex) 

Featured Distribution (Supply-Chain) Diagrams, Class 2024

Risa (UMG) | Franny (Disney) | Shiv (Volvo) | Vanessa (Gucci) | Ati (Nike) | Sam (Tesla) | Zara (Bose)