Case Studies

Featured Case Study of the Month,
June-July 2023

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Our world is changing

Open our eyes to explore just how

Newly Featured: Disruptive Innovation in eCommerce 

Ula, an uprising Indonesian eCommerce B2B startup, founded in 2020 to modernize mom & pop retailers by offering them inventory, logistic and finance services.  Funded by Jeff Bezos, Tencent & Lightspeed

Imagine skipping hotel check-in and walking straight to your room with a scan of your face. This could soon become a reality at many hotels in China and around the world. 

CUEGIS Connections: 

How COVID-19 Broke the Airline Pricing Model

Airline pricing - designed by a complex innovative art-science computerized system - what factors that go into the pricing decisions, and how Covid-19 has confused the system? Can computers computerize uncertainty?

Learn some important financial terms...

The Fed is pulling out all the stops to keep liquidity flowing through the U.S. financial system, and now, through Main Street business as well. Here’s a look at all the measures the Fed’s put in place since the pandemic hit the United States, and what kind of monetary policy tools it has left in its arsenal. 

Is working from home really the new normal?

Working life has entered a new era...

The covid-19 pandemic has accelerated a shift towards remote working. This could affect not just people’s working lives, but the shape of cities, gender equality and even how we measure time. Read more 

A Sydney craning company has pulled a world-first, the team added pillars to a history-making bridge build, more than 300 metres above Turkey’s Dardanelles Strait earthquake zone. 

CCES Connections: 

It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that’s changing everything from how we make purchases to how we get loans. What is fintech all about? CNBC’s Elizabeth Schulze explains. 

CCES Connections: 

Learn from Underdogs & Innovators

Highlighted BM Case Studies, featured in our units 

COVID-19 left the live music industry in shambles, so DJs are finding other creative ways to connect with fans

Virtual reality, online streaming, and fundraising activities, are among a few ways that DJ's are surviving, and some even thriving, in one of the most impacted industry - live music. Read more.

How Bonobos is Disrupting The Men's Fashion Industry

How Under Armour Overcame Its Underdog Odds

Case Study

Fact Sheet: (Wikipedia)

Learn from Failure

We learn from success stories,,, but some of the most valuable lessons are from failures. 

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