Source of Finance

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Source of Finance

Choosing the right source of finance to fund a business start-up, business growth, or the daily operations is another one of those tough decision the business owners and managers have to face at various stages of the business. 

Let's hear from two business angels share an opinion (among many) on getting a loan when you start a business:

Barbara Corcoran, Entrepreneur & Shark says:

"Building a business on your own dime means you're the only one in charge...Corcoran calls taking on an investor "a terrible idea." She explains that once you've allowed an investor to own part of your business and their money is in your business account, you have someone telling you what they envision your business to be" (George, 2023, para. 1) Link

A business starts when you do business, not on paper

Mark Cuban, Entrepreneur & Business Angel says:

 "99% of small businesses - you can start with next to no capital.   It's more about effort" (Hoddinott, ND para. 3) Link

According to Mr. Mark, there are many uncertainties in starting a business, yet one certainty is that you'll have to pay back a loan. 

Loans are therefore more suitable for business growth.

Internal & External Source of Finance

At various stages of the business, there are many ways to raise funds

Among the most commonly used sources of finance for businesses are: Retained profits (internal) & Bank loans, overdraft, share capital and trade creditor (external)

Retained Profits

Sales of Assets

Overdraft & Loan Capital

Trade Credits



Business Angels

Innovative and modern ways to raise funds

Small business grants programme from Facebook: read

Learn about Crowdfunding, such as Kickstarter

3.2 Source of Finance
3.1 The Finance Gym