BM Investigation Corner


Internal assessment is an integral part of the course and is compulsory for BM students. 

It enables students to demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge, and to pursue their personal interests, without the time limitations and other constraints that are associated with written examinations. 

Welcome to your Investigation Room - wishing you a successful journey!

IA Gantt Chart

STATION ONE: Setting the Ground

Step 1: Download a copy of your BM IA Guide

IA Guide.pdf

Step 2: Get an overview

01-Introduction to BM IA

Step 3: Understand about Conceptual Learning, and Familiarize yourself with the concepts

IA Conceptual Learning.pdf

Step 4: Create a Journal Book

Note: Journaling is a very important step. Keeping a journal book will help you organize your thoughts, plan your tasks, and assist you in time management.  See suggestions for different journaling tool ideas: link

Step 5: Explore & Discover your point of interest

Step 6: Good vs. Poor Research Question

03-Research Question

↓ Download your research question practice form ↓

Station 1 - The Research Question, Practice 1

Step 7: Understand the Marking Criteria

IA Marking Criteria [2024].pdf


Step 1: Point of Interest, Making Final Choices

Station 2 - Point of Interest, Making Choices

Step 2: Check-Point...Start to gain momentum

02-IA Starting Step by Step

Journal Entry Point

The Proposal

Step 3: Become familiar with the Proposal Guide

2C-Reseach Proposal

This guide summarizes everything you need to prepare your research proposal.

Remember an important point: The proposal is a live/working document. It is your organized guide through the process. As you move along the research project, some parts of the proposal will evolve. Keep an open mind

Step 4: Design a Research Question

↓↓ Use the Maze to fine tune your RQ ↓↓

Station 2 - The Research Question, Fine Tuning

Step 5: Methodology Design

↓↓ Ensure you have a copy of the secondary data tracking document ↓↓

[2024] My IA Final Data Tracking Sources

Step 6: Consult with the BM framework & Tools

IA_BM Theoretical Framework

Step 7: Prepare a Timeline Gantt Chart

Step 8: Write the Proposal

↓↓ Useful resources with templates &  detailed guidelines ↓↓

Proposal Template [2024]

 ⏳ SUBMISSION POINT - IA Proposal ⏳ 

Paving the Way to Start the Journey

Step 8: Check-Point....Gain momentum, Set the pace, Sign your IA Contract, and let's go...

2D-On the Road

Journal Entry Point

STATION THREE: Data Collection

Step 1: What is IB looking for?

This document offers a checklist of important things you should bear in mind when undertaking primary and secondary source research in BM

Research skills.pdf

Step 2: Become familiar with UNIT 4.4 Market Research

In the textbook and slides, there are important tips on how to conduct research.  The slides also include some activities that can guide your work.

4.4-Market Research

Step 3Review Requirements for Supporting Documents

Open InThinking IA Page, and scroll to the topic: Supporting documents for the IA, to review important information about collecting and sorting data, to ensure compliance with the IA marking  criteria 

Step 4: Work with the Initial Draft for Data Tracking Sources

Station 2 [STEP 3] - My IA Initial Data Tracking Sources

Step 5:  Loop back to the proposal to refine your framework

As you are collecting data, secondary and/or primary:

Additional Information on Primary Data Collection

It may be scary, you may feel doubtful.  Remember, you are taking a big step in gaining important experience for your learning and for your life.

No matter what, authenticity of research always wins.

Top Tips for the Internal Assessment (Puri and Hoang).pdf

Guidelines for Conducting Surveys

Designing a survey? Check out some tips

The don'ts of questionnaire.pdf

Use the Evaluation Sheet to assess each survey question

Make a copy of the spreadsheet and work through the guidelines. An approved questions is one that scores 5 out of 5

Survey Evaluation

Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Interviews

Step 1: Make initial Contact

Do you have a local business in mind that you wish to research about? Do you have personal connection and easy access? Take this first brave step by introducing yourself to the business owner and asking permission to conduct a research for your graduation project for MB. 

Get to know the business and key stakeholders (customers, suppliers, etc.).

Step 2: Journal down thoughts...

A journal entry can include a summary of your initial meeting, information about the business (summary, website, map location, organizational chart, etc.), any thoughts or questions, struggles or limitations, a todo list or next step action plan, reminder notes, any thing that comes to mind...

If you received teacher's guidance, note it down

Step 3: Design your first interview questions?

Being prepared for the interview is crucial but don't be too prepared! Have an open mind to listen and explore possibilities for your investigation. 

Step 4: Schedule and Conduct your interview

Consider who you are going to interview. It may be the CEO, the marketing manager, the financial manager, the HR manager, perhaps a suppliers

Keep some things in mind:

Step 5: Sort the Data

First,  transcribe the interview (verbatim) (you may need to include it in your supporting document submission).

Then, go back to your IA Final Data Tracking Sources Document, and:

STATION FOUR: Analysis & Written Report

Begin with the End in Mind

Step 1: First, review one (or twice) the document expaining in detail the makring criteria 

IA Marking Criteria [2024].pdf

Step 2: Then, gain a deeper hands-on understanding of the IA marking criteria and assessment objective

IA Evaluation Marking Criteria

Step 2: Evaluate more past research paper and become an expert evaluator

Journal down thoughts...

Make a list of things your learned from evaluating an IA. What are some things you need to consider? develop? Create a checklist of items or SMART objectives.

Keep in mind that every investigation will have a different nature and marking can be subjective. It is most important that you design your paper in tune with your business and the findings from your own investigation

Apply BM Tools, Theories & Techniques [TTT]

Step 3: Test out various BM tools, techniques & theories [TTT] (even if you will not use in your IA paper)


1. Consider applying a STEEPLE & SWOT, only to better understand the business background 

CAUTION: do not force a STEEPLE and/or SWOT in your IA paper unless it 100% adds value and is a better choice than other tools. Examiners don't like this!

2. Any tool you test out builds up your BM proficiency and helps you prepare for the final and IB exams. 

3. Check-in with your teacher when and if in doubt

Your IA Toolkit & TTT...Click the button  ⬇

Design a Layout

Step 4: Plan your Narrative, Design a Layout.


1. How do I use the body of the report to effectively evaluate the RQ?

2. Which are 3 tools, theories & technique (TTT)  that add most value & perspective (supported by the supporting documents)

3. What order should the TTT be presented to make the most effective arguments?

4. How to organize  my sub-sections so the narrative flows from the RQ to the conclusion?

CAUTION: avoid a choppy research paper, where there is no flow. Examiners don't like this!

TIP: When writing your draft, be an editor and test out various formats. Don't worry if you don't get the flow right from the start. You can shuffle and reorganize your ideas and edit your draft multiple times. ALLOW TIME & SPACE for THAT!

Put it all Together

Step 5: Write your reserach paper.


1. Assemble your ideas into sections & subsection.

2. Check InThinking → IA → Recommended format for the IA

CAUTION: in the body section - avoid a fragmented approach. Examiners don't like this! What is listed in InThinking are the items to be included in the body, not the order. 

TIP: All components of the body must be integrated and interweaved within. 

3. Introduction does not have to be written first.

Step 6: Download a copy of your Draft CheckList ↓↓

BM IA Draft Check-List

 ⏳ SUBMISSION POINT - IA Feedback Draft ⏳ 


Under construction

Journal down thoughts...