2.4 Motivation & Demotivation

New Syllabus IBO©, 2022

Keep a Personal Checklist:


Stop. Think

Insights Into Human Behavior

What motivates us to work | Dan Ariely

Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our work. 

How to Make a Great Impact | Simon Sinek

This is one of the best speeches ever for millennials/Gen Z from Simon Sinek on making an impact in the workplace. These motivational speech videos are created for students to inspire them to work hard and achieve their dreams.

"People who consider their work to be a calling tend to be more satisfied than those who think of their work as “just” a job". 

"Purpose boosts our capacity to make the greatest impact in the work we do and to connect with other people across cultures and contexts. We feel energized, motivated and expanded when we have a sense of purpose. According to Yale School of Management researcher Amy Wrzesniewski, people who consider their work to be a calling — in other words, they felt their work had purpose — tend to be more satisfied than those who think of their work as “just” a job. " Read more

Richard Branson: Put Your Staff 1st, Customers 2nd, & Shareholders 3rd | Inc. Magazine

Nike, Intel, and Coca-Cola All Use Feng Shui to Boost Productivity, read more

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Drawing by Lana (BM Senior, Class 2023)

Scientific vs. Intuitive Management

Motivational Theories

2.4 Motivation

Da-Bomb Presentations for Motivational Theories, by Class of 2024 ↓↓↓


Taylor, Scientific management 

Pay, above all, is the main source of motivation 

Maslow, Hierarchy of needs 

Levels of human needs, from physiological to self-actualisation 

Herzberg, Two factor theory 

Hygiene factors (which do not motivate alone) and Motivators 

McClelland’s acquired needs theory 

Motivation occurs when the needs for achievement, power & affiliation are satisfied

Adams, Equity Theory 

Workers are motivated if there is fairness in remuneration packages 

→ → → →

Vroom's Expectancy Theory is a hard pill to swallow... Here's another tutorial that helps articulate the guiding principle of the theory with applicable reference to organizations

Deci & Ryan’s self-determination theory 

The power of intrinsic motivators: autonomy, competence & relatedness

Vroom, Expectancy Theory

Workers will choose the route that offers the greatest probability of achieving their goals

'Office Space' Moments

Motivated to work or NOT?

How does organizational structure and forms of communication affect our motivation to work? 

Apply to each scene various motivational theories to understand what is going on...

"Did you get the memo?"

"Good For the Company?"

"The case of a Monday"

"Motivation Problems"

"Express myself"

"Straight Shooter"


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