1.3 Business Objectives 

New Syllabus IBO©, 2022

Keep a Personal Checklist: 


BM TOOLKIT Connection

Think: Why are Vision and Mission Statements important?

Ikea's Vision Statement: ‘To create a better everyday life for the many people’ 

Aims, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics

And Organizational Needs to Change Objectives

TEDx Talk

Alex Edmans talks about the long-term impacts of social responsibility and challenges the idea that caring for society is at the expense of profit

Starbucks aims to become ‘resource positive’ in climate push. Click link to read article

1.3 - internal and external environment.pdf

CCES Alert: Examine internal & external factors that impact organization's needs to change objectives

1.3 - Business Objectives 1
1.3 - Business Objectives 2

The Role & Evolution of Ethical Objectives & CSR


Suggested inquiry statements to explore: