BizBank Exploration

Featured Presentations, Class of 2022-2023

Fine-Ben & Jerry's
Toyota - Rishi
Amazon Karan
Mercedes Aanya
Rachen Nike Research project

Featured Presentations, Class of 2021-2022

Jessica: Marvel

↑ Featured work by Jessica

Nate: Activision

↑ Featured work by Nate

Ati 2021

↑ Featured work by Ati

Krish: Johnson & Johnson

↑ Featured work by Krish

LiHan 2021

↑ Featured work by Li Han

Lotte by Rachel

↑ Featured work by Rachel

↑ Featured work by Shivam

Click on the photo to enter the Portfolio Site

Featured Presentations, Class of 2020-2021

Biz Bank Project -Nicky S. G10A
Copy of BizBank Project: YSL
Bizbank part 2- Wikipedia
BizBank Presentation - Rocky
BizBank Project Part 2
Bizbank part 2