TAX PREPARER assistant Apprentice



Joining H&R Block (lori Dagenhart) as a Tax Preparer Assistant means you’ll help serve clients with diverse tax needs. While you’re here, we’ll help you advance with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to excel with us.

H&R Block is the industry’s largest consumer tax services provider¹ and we have been focused on client service for over 60 years. When you join our team, you’ll find that we’re here to live our purpose—to provide help and inspire confidence in our clients and communities everywhere.

Job Description:

Required Skills/Strengths:

Required Related Instruction:

One course in the following pathways. Please see Program of Study for specific courses.

Business Education


Flexible. Office hours are M-F 10 AM - 4 PM now through December and 9 AM - 8 PM from January through tax season. Weekend hours are also available during tax season.


62 Souder Rd., Brunswick, MD 21716

Rate of Pay:

$13.25 - rate increases as certification/levels of training are completed.

More Information:

Apprentice will be able to complete certifications to gain licensure.


To inquire about this position or to submit an application, please contact your school counselor.