The Early Îledecene 

200-225 MYH

The Îledescene period named after the french province of Île-de-France is the period directly following the event's of the future is wild. 

This period in earth's history is characterized by the diversification of life following it's recovery from the 7th mass extinction caused by basalt eruptions 100 MYH which lead to the extinction of tetrapod's leaving there niches to be filled by invertebrates.

However one species in particular will come to define this period it's actions will come to not only make an enormous impact on Îledescene but for hundreds of millions of years following its end. 

The world of the Îledecene 

The Îledecene climate is diffind by Pangea 2.  By 200 MYH tectonic plate movement has finally moved the continents back together forming one single content. 

Most of the content is extremally dry as rain cannot reach that far inland forest can only survive at the coastline with the rest of the content being grasslands and prairies slowly transitioning into scrubland and true desert.

The average tempter has risen to 20 degrees C do to the lack of glaciers and the suns getting more luminous. 

with only one ocean currents can flow around Pangea 2 without interruption with only one ocean powerful storm's form over the open ocean slamming into the coast and providing much needed rain fall to the grassland's and scrubland's