
Sqbadgers are a group of mostly fossorial Vicemouth found across most of the world. 

A sister group to the Sneasel their also fossorial but less specialized than the elongated body of Sneasel or Squakes and are more capable of spending time above ground. 

As small animals the size of modern badgers, they make up for the lack in any specific traits with a generalized diet and crackhead courage to get by. 

A patch of hard cartilage in the back of the throat (also found in Sneasel and Squakes) combined with being forced out of a relatively short only distill tip beak creates a sharp harmonica-like call. 

Combined with a vicious disposition and bright patch on their tail allows this small carnivore can stand up to much larger predators. 

Although, this is usually not what they're doing most of their time is spent burrowing or scrounging for smaller game like Squid Rodents, or the many arthropods in the soil.