Crowned Cross Horn

Cephalopes are the dominant group of herbivores on the land. 

Coming from domestic Squibbion stock whose huge farmed population allowed them to pull through the Squibbion caused the collapse they have exploded in diversity. 

The largest and shiniest of these is the Crowned Cross-Horn the largest of the Cross-Horns. A group of very large mixed feeders found in open plains and forests alike. 

Cross horns are named for their horns which unlike other Cephalopes have no bones in them being entirely cartilage allowing them to twist around each other. 

Females and immature males are almost the same as the Sqaribou that they evolved from aside from the crossing horns but mature males can grow significantly bigger than both and have lost the strip camouflage of their peers and other Cephalopes. 

Males put on bright displays. Their chromatophores are the brightest of any Terra Squid lined in contrasting light blue/greens and pinks that contrast against one another. 

Like the distantly related Parade Squids, these displays also happen at night as it is when the display shines the brightest. 

Very few males reach sexual maturity marked by red eyes instead of orange. Adult males sexually represse other males so the mature male-to-female ratio is 40/1 and males have an extremely high sex-drive and mate with as many females as possible.