Fragrant Sucker 

A sneaky Slime Mold from the class Myxogastria the Fragrant Slime Mold use's its deceptively sweet smell to capture its flying prey. 

The Fragrant Sucker is a descendant of the Slithersucker and the sister genus of the Absorbent Sucker.  Fragrant Suckers followed the reciting tree line toward the coasts moving from the now mostly extinct Lichen Trees to actual evergreens and deciduous trees.

 The forests along the West Coast of Pangea 2 are significantly drier than the temperate rainforests in which their Slithersucker ancestors first evolved. The ancestral Slithersucker hunted Blish capturing them in their sticky slime. However, the drier conditions of the West Coast Forest mean that the small Songbird Blish that Slithersucker feeds on lives at lower populations. 

Fragrant Suckers thus feed on the much more abundant insects. To catch their Arthropod prey the Fragrant Sucker secretes a deep amber-colored liquid a byproduct of their digestion system. This fluid smells like a mix of a sweet vinaigrette and vanilla extract and insects find this smell extremely enticing rushing to feed on the nutritious Slime only to get stuck and digested by the slime. 

Insects also play A vital role in the Fragrant Suckers' reproduction. As long as insects don't land on the slime or stay very close to the edge they can fly free from the Slime taking some of the Slime molds with them and spreading them across the forest where some will land on new branches where they may lay dormant for years until another insect lands on the branch mixing DNA to form new Slime molds.  Naturally, this pseudo-pollination takes an extremely long time and keeps the population low throughout the area they live. 

Of all the insects that live in the area bees are the ones that spread the Fragrant Sucker the most if a bee does manage to eat at the forbidden silly puddy without getting stuck the bee may carry the slime back to their hives and spread it into the other bees and larva who can then spread them even farther. 

Some Fragrant Suckers have even "remembered" the positives Bees provide and will go out of the way to let Bees go if they land on them and some hives have remembered this and will collectively feed from these Fragrant Suckers as the Slime is extremely nutritious and great for feeding the bee larva.