
Stalk-eyed Tera Squid continue to be the dominant predator with terrestrial, coastal, fossorial, and arboreal forums living across most of the continent. 

In the forests and lowlands of the West Coast, a large Marshmouth predator sits on top of the food chain the Sqbear ways as much as a large male Polar Bear and stands eight feet tall without the eyestalks.  

The Sqbear is extremely strong its middle pair of limbs are further back than most Hexapodal Tera Squid sacrificing endurance for power their forelimbs are powered by huge muscles and lined with two extra claws lengthened from the scutes on their feet allowing them to better pin their prey. 

Like their ancestor, their interlocking teeth and beaks are poor at restraining large game and are best at catching and hauling large aquatic prey out of the water Sqbears are much more varied in their diet taking a wide variety of smaller foodstuffs in insects, fungi, or bivalves and frequently com beaches for scavenged meat. 

Their extremely large size compared to other relatives also gives them prime leverage to steal kills from other predators whether it be Kraken Cats before they can stash prey in trees or packs of Qwolf to small to defend themselves from these large brutes.