Stripped Sea Blish 

Sea Blish are virtually fully aquatic Pelagic Blish descendants from the Icthyo Blish. The skin around their wing rays has thickened into a fin structure their tail now sports a fluke making them fast swimmers. They are larger now growing up to six feet long however they must still return to land to lay eggs and can still haul themselves along the shore although slowly by crawling on their flippers hence their flippers maintain functional claws to haul themselves up the beach.

The lack of parental care in Sea Blish has led to an increase in clutch sizes to make up for the increase in infant mortality rates with clutches as large as 25 flappings far larger than other Ichthyopterans where clutch sizes are between 1-6   

Sea Blish spend most of their time along the continental shelf as the seas are dominated by large Sharkopaths and their relatives that will readily hunt the Sea Blish. 

Sea Blish predominantly hunts other fish and squid and Mola-Squids-(sunfish-like sideways Squid that gave rise to Terra Squid) using their extendable jaws to extend a few feet in front of them before the Fish can detect their vibrations.

Although they evolved from the sea evolutionarily speaking not too long ago the Sea Blish still needs to breathe air. This handicap puts them at a disadvantage against Sharkopaths and the other kitefin sharks who are able to freely hunt and filter through the sea with impunity. 

Well, for now, the Sea Blish are limited to hunting under the shadow of the Kitefin Sharks in time their fortunes will change that will come with conquering something that no Blish has done before.