
225 MYH Pangea 2's grasslands are home to millions of grazers and where there is prey there will always be predators.

 Neck snares remain among Pangea's most common predator guilds using their long-derived beaks to puncture vital organs. 

The Twizzletooth is the largest Neck Snare and with the extinction of the Crushthroat the largest carnivorous Terra Squid and use there large size to rule as one of the grassland's dominant predators.  Large Cephalops and Tusk Grazers are common prey but unlike Vice Mouths Neck Snares are solitary and those rely on brute strength to take down prey. 

Twizzletooths rely on ambush hunting targeting their prey from behind and avoiding their horns and tusks and stabbing them in the neck with the elongated lower section of their beak letting them easily sever the vital arteries of the Terra Squids which are often hidden under layers of fat and mantle. 

The drawback of having such a long beak is that the bottom beak is very fragile and would easily break if thrust into the thrashing hides of their prey so Twizzletooth must already rustle their prey down before delivering the severing bite. To handle this Twizzletooth are larger than their ancestors and far better at dealing with the stresses of wrestling down prey. 

Cephalops and Tusk Grazers have vicious defenses their horns and tusks can easily kill an adult Twizzletooth and a broken bottom jaw will mean a slow death from starvation thus Twizzletooths are very selective about what they hunt only the weak or old are hunted down those at the fringes of the herd those who have lived a long life who can no longer keep up with there herd and are on the fringes of a lonely world were sharp slicing teeth lurk around every corner.