Squid Rodents of the late Îledecene  

Squid Rodents (Order-Rodentiateuthinae) are the most widespread of all Terra Squids going into the Late Îledecene. Squid Rodents are the most primitive Terra Squids genetically splitting off from the ancestors of the extinct Megasquid and Squidtaceans and the horned Terra Squids (Cephalopes and Tusk Grazers) around 140MYH. 

As the Ice Age begins Squid Rodents are experiencing a boom in diversity well the more traditional burrowers still proliferate in the millions new and bizarre forms are starting to appear 

The Squirdel is a squirrel-sized Squid Rodent found across the forests of Pangea Two. With Squibbion and their relatives extinct, the niche of arboreal animals has been left open something the small and nimble Squid rodents were quick to fill. 

The Squirdel already shows some traits specialized for climbing. The Squirdel climbs by gripping its first three pairs of limbs and bounding in an Inchworm-like motion with its 4th and 5th limb pairs. The first 3 pairs of limbs have developed a single "claw" an extension of its gladius-derived skeleton made out of chitin. 

More interestingly the Squirdel is one of the only tentacle-eyed Terra Squids to be crepuscular most coming out at dusk and dawn to forage for fruits seeds and insects. Why they started being crepuscular is unknown the most likely reason is that it puts them at less risk of being hunted by Hawk Blish and small arboreal Necksnare's although it still puts them at risk of Owl Blish.

 The Jutter Jaw is a large (by Squid Rodent standards) animal about the size of a kune kune that lives across all forested areas even the northern tundra. 

The Jutter Jaw is so named because of its giant somewhat awkward-looking beak the largest beak-to-body size of any Tera Squid. 

The Jutter Jaw is a generalist feeder using its giant beak to cut through a variety of foods berries, shrubs, leaves, seeds, roots, stems, grasses, and carrion. 

The Jutter Jaw can't chew and it lacks the specialized groves and muscles of the horned Tera Squids beaks to chew threw plant matter thus Jutter Jaws eat like a turtle or Dicynodont chopping up food in their bladed beaks. 

Their 1st pair of tentacles have become rigged unable to move much in an up-and-down motion but are still able to move side to side letting the Jutter Jaw easily scoop any food they want into there beak to be crushed into a fine pulp before digestion.