Weeping Crybaby

Well, the Absorbant Suckers and the Lichen Tree established the Slime Forests the warm environment caused by heat generated from the Slime Molds digestion and life process means that their sister clade the Absinthe, and their bees establish themselves as the true apex predator.

Most of the Ephemerals have already gone extinct defenseless against the pheromones and stinging barbs of a predator that slowly also improves on its hunting abilities through evolution. 

Those that remain have either switched back to a nectar diet or adapted to deal with Absinthe. 

Crybabies are a group of still very small Ephemerals found in the slime forest. 

Compared to the nectar-eating relatives they are much rarer but it is their diet of exclusively slime. 

The main issue with eating Slither Suckers is that they build up in the respiratory system and kill by suffocation. Insects can get around this since they breathe through spiracles, but it poses a big problem for Blish and Tera-Squid. 

Crybabies get around this by expelling excess slime through their eyes. All Ichthyopterans have tear ducts connected to their sinuses mostly used to keep their eyes moist in flight Crybabies take this further. 

Their sinuses produce high volumes of very thin Hagfish-like mucus that captures the slime. When they breathe this milky substance is absorbed by and expelled through the eyes as tears almost always giving them the appearance that their crying.