
A Terra Squid is more often heard than it is seen. The Linlolligo is recognizable from the glow of its eyes in the forest nights. 

The Linlolligo is a species of Necksnare native to the forests along both coasts.

 Feeding on a variety of small Squid Rodents and Blish the Linlolligo is the most nocturnal of all Tera Squids using its u-shaped pupils to filter any sources of light much like modern Cephalopods do. 

Linlolligos are rarely seen during the day avoiding the commotion of the diurnal Terra Squids by staying up in the trees. 

It's when the sun goes down that the Linlolligo gets active. It alternates black and brown or white patterns in the summer or winter. It stalks through the trees of night rarely seen apart from the light reflecting in its eyes it pounces on its unsuspecting prey. 

The Linlolligo is equipped with keratin claws for hooking onto trees and for immobilizing prey before finishing it off its serrated beak is equipped with Pseudo teeth similar to those of some birds.

 Unlike Twizzletooths the Linlolligo is still arboreal spending most of its day resting in trees and prefers to hunt in the trees pouncing on its prey from above and preferring to take its prey to eat in the trees away from any competition on the ground. 

 At night, the Linlolligo along with the Owl Blish is one of the stealthiest  

During the day the Linlolligo prefers to rest in the trees avoiding the daytime affairs of the Vice Mouths and Cephalopes losing the glow of its eyes replaced with the more normal brown eyes of most Neck snares. 

But at night it's always worth looking up at the trees you might spot the ominous glow of the Linlolligo's eyes. and the rustling of branches above your head.