Outcast Arachlobster 

I'll show you what it feels like now I'm on the outside 

Arachlobsters, the most terrestrial adapted of all Silverswimmers. With strong, well-developed vascularized tissue on the underside of their abdomen that functions like the book lungs of arachnids. They’re comparable to the most terrestrial land crabs of today they’ll drown if left in water for too long. 

However, like all crustaceans, they still have aquatic larvae (even if said larvae resemble miniature versions of the adults since Silverswimmers are descendants from shrimp larvae that never leave the mysis stage) and this allows them to go places off the beaten trail. 

Arachlobsters lay their eggs in thick mats of plants. Mats that will sometimes be blown out to sea. The same rafts that took the Gray Snuffer to the Cryptoland Islands also brought Silverswimmers to these Islands. 

Well, the islands already had a selection of arthropods the Outcast Arachlobster is by far the largest over a foot long and a foot across. 

A generalist carnivore with an acute sense of smell and sensitive antenna Outcast mostly feed on carrion living on the large islands' shores combing the beaches. 

However, as large Arthropods, they are more than capable of hunting the island's various Blish and juvenile Snuffers the powerful hooked arms that let them grab and manipulate carcasses they find let them hold onto struggling prey which they will proceed to eat alive.

Compared to their mainland relatives and Silverswimmers as a whole Outcast are less territorial since most of their food is larger than them, groups will often gather to feed on large prey being able to gather being able to stripe large prey items down to the bones within a few days.