
A relatively small Terra Squid the Foxskin skulks under the forest understory. 

The Foxskin is a relatively small Vicemouth about the size of a modern Ruppell's Fox living in both the forested and grassland areas of Pangea two. They are among the most widespread members of the stalked-eyed Terra Squid clade across the world. 

Unlike Scissor mouths that hold their front four tentacles below their mouth as a trunk Foxskins hold their mouth tentacles in uniform pairs like a pair of sideways jaws giving lined with hooks. 

The mouth setup of the Foxskin gives them better-gripping capabilities than Neck snares like Twizzletooths or Linlolligos who use their beak to kill. 

Unlike Neck snares or Scissour Mouths Foxskins are significantly more omnivores with their diet varying on the region they live in ranging from insects to small Tera Squids, Blish, Finger Fish, Lungefish, to plants like grass and wild berries. 

 Foxskins are crepuscular and active at the twilight hours when foraging is the easiest for them and their predators, like the Scissour Mouths and Large Eagle Blish are less active. During the day the Foxskins keep to themselves digging den systems up to six feet deep. 

Foxskins are less social than the pack-hunting Scissour mouths only forming mated pairs that take turns looking after their pups. Pups will spend  the 6 months with there parents before leaving around the start of fall.