Limbless Tetrapods evolved multiple times and now a group of Tera Squid have done this too.
Squakes are a clade of “legless” Tera Squids descendant from the Sneasel found in the underground of the world and are frequent guests of the Lichen Tree forest.
Well, they are not legless, the millions of years pursuing prey underground have rendered their legs useless for walking are are held against the body when moving.
Their body is highly elongated moving from side to side like a snake which Squakes use to move through narrow tunnels in pursuit of burrowing prey.
The jaws of the sneasel held together on each side of the head have fused together. Held by a strong trunk-like muscle around the base of the face and like the horned Tera Squids, this completely covers their beak at a natural position. Almost functioning like a second mouth that opens sideways it’s only when hunting they expose the chisel-like beak hidden underneath.
Well, they look somewhat like snakes they hunt by bitting onto prey and strangling it unlike snakes it doesn't eat their prey whole as with other Tera Squids which can chew with their beak in a grinding motion.
Of all their Tera Squid they are perhaps the most adapted for underground habitation. Mothers birth their pups in underground burrows usually the abandoned ones of other animals and once independent can spend most of their time in the safety of the underground.
When they do come to the surface it is brief as their small size about the length of a human arm means their easy prey for most meat eaters on the surface. The only time they spend for any significant length is in the relative safety of the Lichen Forest. In fact, they are one of the diversifying members of this new biome along with many insects giant Rapstriders and the bizarre Heptiles a group they will see more of in the future.