Domestication Part 3 A Tale Of Two Tentacle Horns 

With the Squibbion's still riding high on their domestication train the Squibbion's would try there tentacle at domesticating other animals. Weather this be training Kite Blish similar to modern human falconry keeping Riverine Silverswimmer's in barrels of water or keeping Songbird Blish Parrot Blish and Squid Rodent's in their homes. All these animals were defiantly "domesticated" in a sense as they were certainly unable to survive on there own in the wild. However none of these animals were commonly living with Squibbion's and none of these had any physical changes in response to domestication only mental. 

However one squad of Squibbion's living around what was modern day Gothenburg started keeping a small herd of Tentacle Horns a smaller relative of the Mega Squid that used its tenth pair of tentacle's as horn like protrusions to reach higher food sources and to defend from predators. 

The idea of keeping Tentacle Horns spread throughout across the Northern Forest with more Squibbion's quickly forming domestic herds of their own.  

These tentacle horns changed over thousands of years with there Squibbion owners. 


The end result of this domestication was the Bosquid ( Vaccateuthis) a large cow sized descendant of the Tentacle Horn found across much of the Northern Forest but predominately around what was formally Scandinavia. 

Bosquid's are now unable of surviving on their own in the wild thousands of years of living safely in the Squibbion's villages grazing inside fenced areas and selective breeding of friendlier Tentacle Horns has almost all but eliminated the Tentacle Horns natural apprehensiveness towards other animals there horns have been dramatically reduced to a small forward facing horn's kept dull by there Squibbion owners and they would likely be hunted to extinction on there own.

Like there ancestors they are super social herd animals with most farmers keeping herds of up to 40 individuals made up of mostly females and their young with a few dominant males. 

These herds are kept in large fenced in areas' of the forest around Squibbion villages were the Bosquid are aloud to graze on the plethora of fern and wild berry species in the understory. This grazing plays a vital role in the ecosystem encouraging new growth and spreading the plants seeds in their dong. 

Females give birth to 1 calf every 2 years after 9 months of gestation these calf's are some of the most precocial of all Terra Squid young's able to walk shortly after birth and follow there mothers after birth hence the exceptionally long gestation by Terra Squid standards. Mothers regurgitate digested food for there calf's well there internal beak hardens enough for them to eat regular foods. Calf's will stay with there mother for about 6 months when they would normally begin to wonder off and join other herds however since they leave in domestic herds mothers will tolerate even male offspring in the same herd thus herds will often have multiple generations of parents grandparents and even great grandparent's .

Bosquid have now natural predators although Necksnare's and Vicemouth packs will hunt them if given the opportunity and are mainly killed by Squibbion's for there meat. 

Bosquid live up to 20 years in captivity however few will die of old aged as most are killed by around age 10 as they are a main source of foods for the Squibbion populations that keep them Bosquid also serve as a form a currency with Squibbion's trading them for other things such as food and other animals. 

However these were not the only Tentacle Horns domesticated 

Elsewhere in the Northern Forest around what was once Northern Alaska another group of Squibbion's domesticated Tentacle Horns completely separately.

These Squibbion's also domesticated these Tentacle Horns for food but also came up with the idea to use the Tentacle Horns as beast's of burden to carry heavy loads of supply's that they couldn't across vast distances across the Northern Forest. 

The end result was another completely different group of domestic Tentacle Horns        



The Cephalope ( Dromaeteuthis ) are the second domestic species of Tentacle Horn used for transportation similar to modern horse's as such they resemble the wild Tentacle Horn's much more then the Bosquid they retain the longer legs and lithe form of there ancestor. Unlike the Bosquid the Cephalope still has it's long horns similar to Kudu as they need to defend themselves from predators as they and their riders travel for multiple days across the Northern Forest from one village to another. 

Unlike there more passive relative the Cephalope's are still wild at heart they haven't lost the Tentacle Horn's natural skittishness and unprepared Squibbion's trying to ride them will be violently bucked off or charged at. Because of this attitude Cephalope's can still survive on there own and wild populations descendant from captive individuals have established themselves in the Northern Forest ecosystem.

Cephalope's like Bosquid are also social herd animals however they are kept in smaller herds of around 15 individuals with the same composition of a few males females and their young.

Similar to Bosquid the Cephalope have one calf every other year there calf's are born precocial and able to walk a few hours after birth. 

In the wild Cephalope live in herds of up to 16 individuals these herds are dominated by a single male along with multiple females and their young.     

Wild calf's stay with there mother for 6 months when they begin to wonder off at this point males will leave there birth herd and join up with other young males to form bachelor herds well females may stay in there birth herds for there entire life. 

Captive Cephalope have no natural predators well wild Cephalope are hunted by Necksnare's Crushthroat's and Vicemouth's although unlike the Bosquid Cephalope are more then capable of defending themselves.