Robust Lungestrike

Overall the supercontinent for the most part is a very dry place with most land more than 800 kilometers or so from the coast receiving very little rainfall. 

The coastal lowlands represent the only major wetland environment of the Ice Age. Formed by lower sea levels exposing the base of the Coastal mountains this vast stretch of wetland across what was once Antarctica and the Southern Ocean provides vital habitat for many species in water relatively free of large Terra Squid outside of aquatic herbivores. 

Many Euryhaline species call the brackish water home. Various snails, bivalves, crustaceans, and small ray-finned fish, and Fingerphibians call the reed beds home. 

Gars, Catfish, and Bonytounges make up the guild of larger predators well Lung Gar’s and various species of ray stand in as detritivores. 

All of these are the prey of the Robust Lungestrike, A smaller but heavier Lung Strike compared to the more marine ribbon-like forums still found in marine environments. 

A generalist apex predator they feed on a variety of fish and waterside terrestrial prey. 

The tips of their jaws are lined with wart-like denticles similar to some early lungfish but sharpened like mammalian canines. 

Together the jaws act like a giant stapler and snap down onto prey this Lungestrikes is more robustly built allowing it to withstand yanking and thrashing prey around to kill it.