Semi Terrestrial Fish

At 220 MYH Fish and their descendant's the Blish are only surviving vertebrates in the world the last of this ounce grate group that dominated the earth for 400 million years.

However well at face vaule Fish would be the last of a dying breed slowly disappearing under the shadow of Terrestrial Squids that couldn't be further from the truth.

Well the most famous group of fish descendant's are Blish a phylum of furry predominantly flyer's who evolved from modern day Flying Fish (Exocoetidae) who evolved powered flight to escape the collapsing ocean ecosystem 120 million years ago several other group's of fish have undergone remarkable radiation's in the Îledecene.

In the sea's Sharkopath's and various other Squaliformes are the most common group of Fish found in the waters there small size and deep sea habitat aloud them to survive the 7th mass extinction this ancient group of tired and sad looking sharks have diversified into many different niches some even moving into fresh water ecosystem's

Else were one can find some fish someone from today would recognize as the Cyclostome's or the jawless fish Hagfish and Lamprey's two of the most primitive living vertebrate's are virtually unchanged since the time of human's.

Remaining fish species consist of relatively small group's scattered across the Vertebrata clade but among them two stand out among all other fish as they like the Blish are finding there land legs.

Finger Fish descendant from modern day Sea Robin's ( Triglidae) are small 40 cm long semi terrestrial fish that can be found along the coasts' of the Northern Forest and can often be found scavenging around tide pools at low tide. The Finger Fish's most notable feature is that they can survive for periods of time outside of water.

This curious habit originated from a offshoot of modern Sea Robin's living in coastal water's the Sea Robin's walking rays derived from rows of there pectoral fins allowed them to push themselves across the ground at low tide letting them access food sources such as clam's oysters and small crustacean's that other fish couldn't reach.

Other the next 10 million years this offshoot branch of Sea Robin's become better adapted to making there way across the land there pectoral fins become rounder and sturdier similar to the fin's of early lobbed finned fish there walking rays become longer and able to move independently of each other.

Finger Fish can now survive for months outside of water at a time as long as there gills are in a moist environment as such there habitat is limited to the coast and brackish estuary's along the rainswept coasts of the Northern Forest.

Finger Fish come out of the water at low tide where other fish can't reach to feed on a variety of foods such as clam's crustaceans Silverswimmer larva and other thing's that the sea spits out using there long finger like ray's to dig through the mud and seaweed to reach food.

Finger Fish spend most of there time out of water the Finger Fish still need to lay their eggs in water laying them in shallow pulls attached to the faces of rocks the fry will spend the first year of there life in shallow water until there walking rays are strong enough for them to walk onto land.

Finger Fish have very few predators in water as there ability to walk and the fact that there never far from the land allows them to escape oceanic predators however on land there slow and clumsy moving and are thus easy prey for many species of Marine Blish the roost along the coast.

Another remarkable fish making gains on the land are Lungefish descendant from modern Lungfish (Dipnomorpha) can be found along the river, swamps, lakes, and marshes, of Pangea 2 with up to 40 species ranging from 1 to up to 4 feet in length. Unlike Finger Fish the Lungefish are Lobb Finned Fish distant relative's to tetrapod's and are already able to breath air.

The ability to breath air has allowed the Lungefish to become far more terrestrial then Finger Fish able to survive completely outside of water only needing to return to moisten there skin for periods of time.

Lungefish move by slither across the ground similar to snakehead's allowing them to move between river's during time's of drought letting Lungefish be one of the only Fish that survives outside of the ocean or Northern Forest as of the up to 40 species around 30 leave in the seasonal lakes of the grasslands.

If they can't find water like modern Lungfish Lungefish will burry themselves in holes in the mud were they will enter a torpid state that they can survive for months at a time without food or water.

When hunting Lungefish can use there fins to lunch themselves upwards as high as 5 feet similar to Mudskipper's letting them catch thing from bugs to Squid Rodent's and Small Blish which is were they get the name Lungefish

Lungefish still lay there eggs in the water they eggs are laud in the mud during the dry season and hatch during the wet season were the young will grow until the start of the nest dry season when there seasonal pools evaporate and the young will leave to find a more premiant water source.

Lungefish are preyed upon by a variety of predators such as Raptorial Blish and Terra Squids although there large size and sharp teeth make adults hard to take down

Both ideas come from u/dinogabe on reddit.