Marine Blish Of The Îledecene

Marine Blish are one of the three major groups of Blish found across the oceans, coastlines, lake's rivers, and estuary's of Pangea 2.

As the name suggest this groups most striking feature is that they have returned to there ancestral home of the water.

Marine Blish are closet related to Raptorial Blish Splitting of from Raptorial Blish 205 MYH. Some Raptorial Blish like Eagle Blish already hunt aqautic prey scooping up Silverswimmer's close to the surface and so Blish were naturally drawn to scavenge along the waters edge.

In the next 20 million years they would adapt to to there watery environment there talons became duller and rounded small skin flaps would evolve into full fledged webbed feet. Marine Blish have also lost there crests to help with there arrow and hydro dynamics as well as there vestigial teeth a trait shared by the more derived Song Bird Blish.

One group the Wading Blish(bottom) are still predominately terrestrial dwelling in freshwater marshes and rivers along the Pangea 2'coasts and grasslands venturing into water to hunt aquatic prey although some species like Stork and Ibis Blish also hunt insects and small animals such as Squid Mice on land. Wading Blish have convergently evolved to resemble many of the large wading birds seen in the time of humans sporting long necks and thin beaks to grab slippery aqautic prey the some large Stork Blish and Heron Blish can grow up to 5 feet tall with wing spans of up to 8 feet.

However the most impressive Marine Blish are the Pelagic Blish(top left) . Pelagic Blish spend most of there time at sea only coming to shore to breed during the spring rains. Pelagic Blish feed on oceanic Silverswimmer's the corpses of dead Squidtaceans and Rainbow Squid. Sizes very greatly between groups with small Petrol and Tern Blish being small enough to fit in a humans and well Larger species Albatross and Giant Petrol Blish can reach wingspans of up to 20 feet making them the largest of all Blish.

Diving Blish(top right) are the most aberrant Blish most species are Pelagic with a few expectations like the Loon Blish that lives in freshwater lakes although they are not nearly as proficient as Pelagic Blish with most having to return to shore by night fall or risk crashing into the water from exhaustion and falling prey to Sharkopath's or predatory Silverswimmer's. Unlike Pelagic Blish how only rest on top of the water Diving Blish can dive straight into it using there wing membrane's as flippers and fifth limb as a paddle some species like the Cormorant and Gannet Blish being able to hold there breath for up to 2 minutes and dive as deep as 82 feet to catch Silverswimmer's. Among this group is the Pengblish possible the most aberrant of all Blish as it was on of the first groups of Blish to abandon the gift of wings becoming completely flightless its front arms have become sturdy flippers and its lost all digits on its fifth limb which now resembles a beaver like tail paddle.