Squibbion Radiation From Mountains to Grasslands

As Squibbion's moved out from the confines of the Northern Forest they were met with a strange new world the vast grasslands of what was once Central Asia North Africa and Central and Northern South America. These first pioneer's were met with a strange and hostile world filled with strange new creatures and some that looked like weird aberrations of things they new back home.

Much like early European colonies in the Americas these Squibbion's were often met with disaster and death from hunger animal attacks and disease outbreaks. Still once these colonies got a tentacle hold on the grasslands and word of this got back to the poor serfs in the various city states in the Northern Forests Squibbion's packed up their belongings into their Cephalope drawn wagon's and streamed out into the grasslands in the thousands.

Many of these Squibbion's who had never been beyond the walls of their City States were woefully unprepared for the harsh untamed wilderness that they had not evolved to live in many died from starvation and food based diseases story's of people being forced to eat each other and of mysterious monsters and beast's from their religion's and myths' mad their way throughout the immigrant's.

Squibbion's began to set up similar city states from the Northern Forest although with more land to play with these city states were able to grow into larger empires resembling many of the ancient kingdoms of medieval Europe.

As small settlement's grew into larger community's the first problem to solve was the lack of trees for them to move around in planting trees could only go so far.

The result was villages of small straw huts filled with interconnected webs of ropes that Squibbion's could swing across to get to one and another.

Other changes came in the discovery of grain with the Squibbion's traditional crops like ferns Lichen Tree's and Riceweed needing a large amount of water that needed to be imported from the coasts traditional grain quickly became a stable of the Squibbion's diet out on the plains along with various other roots and tuber vegetables.

A Squibbion village at noon at this time most of the Squibbion's will be out in the fields tending to their crops.

As decades flew by changes began to immerge in the Squibbion's serfs spending many hours out underneath the sun resulted in changes to their Skin most of the Squibbion serfs developed a much darker shade of grey compared to the greenish grey of the Squibbion's of the Northern Forest.

Squibbion serfs would usually live their hole life in their community as they didn't have the money to move this lead to many community's becoming inbreed especially among royals who wanted to keep their bloodlines pure. When the community's of the plains began to crossbreed with the Squibbion's of Northern Forest century's of isolating and inbreeding resulted in a difference of genes.

When gene flow occurred it rustled in mutations in the Squibbion's appearance Traditionally Squibbion's had been mostly the same shade of greenish grey with some shade of yellow or orange as eyes now Squibbion's with green and blue eyes and darker shades of grey skin tones began to appear throughout the population.

A sample of old and new eye color variations that can be found among the Squibbion population.

The Squibbion's present in the grassland's had many consequences vast swaths of grassland were converted into farmland fenced off and away from animals.

Many of the grassland's native animals Grasper Squid's, Grassland Hopper's Tusk Grazer's and Large Flightless Blish were used as food source hunted with Squid Dogs and Hunters on Cephalope's some even tried to domesticate them with varying degrees of success.

Cephalope's were vital being the Squibbion's only viable way of transport and used to plow farmers fields Cephalope's with new skin colors and horn shapes appeared. Wild Cephalope's descendant from escaped domestic Cephalope's established a foothold in the Grassland Ecosystem's helping to graze down the grass and providing food for predator's.

Squibbion's continued to push across the plains colonizing every place that they could find. Eventually the Squibbion's pushed all the way to the fringe's of the Central desert here the Squibbion's stopped as the heat and dryness of the inland of Pangea 2 proved to much for the Squibbion's with only a few outpost's on the edge.

That changed as the Squibbion's on what was once the west coast of South America ran up against the The Coastal Mountain Range following the difficult mountain steep and cliffs several weeks and many falls later the Squibbion's were spit back out on the other side of the continent what was once the middle east.

With this new trade route discovered the desert became a shortcut to cross the mountains and trade with Squibbion's across the globe.

With the discovery of the Coastal Mountain Range the Squibbion's had become a truly global species.

Around what was once Port Moresby Papua New Guinea a traveling caravan of Squibbion's view the milky way from the steep of the Coastal Mountain Range.