Domestication Part 2 Blish and Necksnare's

With the domestication of the Vicemouth's the Squibbion's naturally began to wonder. " Hey can we do that to other animal's?" as such with the help of their Squid Dog companions the Squibbion's set out on a mission to tame the natural world around them.

The first creature to catch the Squbbion's eye stalks were the Fowl Blish a group of pheasant sized flightless Blish found across the Grassland's and Northern Forest's of Pangea 2.

The process started with the feeding of Fowl Blish with Riceweed seeds giving them food and protection from predators in the wild. With the Squibbion's giving them food and protection from predator's the Fowl Blish would grew passive and complacent to the Squibbion's actions with free access to all they needed in life there natural senses grew duller with no need to work for there food or safety.

Eventually these Fowl Blish could no longer survive in the wild on there own now fully dependent on the Squibbion's for survival.

The Blish Fowl ( Tripodes Pullum) is the domestic descendant of the Fowl Blish found across all of the many Squibbion communities in the northern forest.

The Blish Fowl is fully domesticated and can no longer survive in the wild on there own. Like most of the animals in history that have been domesticated the Blish Fowl's anatomy as changed to reflect its domestication.

It is far larger then its wild relatives as they have selectively been breed by the Squibbion's to have more meat on them about the size of a modern goose compared to the Fowl Blish who's the size of a Pheasant.

Male's such as the one pictured above are larger and more brightly colored then the females with large wing spurs used to scratch and kick at each other to determent mating rights.

Blish Fowl live in flocks of up to 40 in pens kept and maintained by the Squibbion's these flocks are made of mostly males with a few prized breeding roosters selected by there Squibbion owners to produce the finest offspring.

Female's lay up to 4 medium sized leathery eggs at a time chick's are born small and precocial able to walk around the pen a few hours after hatching. Blish Fowl live up to 6 years although few die of natural causes as most are killed for food after a few years.

Well they have no natural predators Vicemouth's Necksnare's can break into there pens often going on a overstimulation murdering spree killing multiple Blish Fowl that they won't eat.

The domestication of the Blish Fowl has lead to change's in the Squibbion culture there domestication and the need to feed them has lead to the birth of small scale agriculture in the Squibbion community's with the cultivation of Riceweed's from the river and various species of ferns and berry's in the family (Ericaceae) from the understory as food for the Blish Fowl and themselves.

The Blish Fowl have also become one of the first form's of Squibbion currency with Squibbion's trading and bartering breeding male's and female's with other Squad's in exchange for thing's such as animal hide's Blish Fowl eggs or seed's.

The domestication of the humble Fowl Blish has helped to widen the possibility's for Squibbion society and has helped to link formally divided Squibbion troops together by trade making the Northern Forest a far more interconnected place.

However these interconnectedness would grab the attention of a certain creature leading to the Squibbion's coming face to face with one of there old enemy's.

However the end result was not something either would expect.

The domestic Necksnare (Arbor Exhibuitthuthis Domesticus) is descendant from the Arboreal Necksnare arguably the ancient Squbbion's most hated predator as the only one able to follow them into the tree's and praying on them when they were asleep at night.

Naturally the Arboreal Necksnare's were attracted to the steadily larger growing Squibbion villages however the Squibbion's already weary of the tree climbing predators would violently drive them out of there villages if they saw them.

As such Necksnare's that could slip through the Squibbion villages undetected in the cover of night would fair the best at the Squibbion villages rewarded for there effort's with a feast of small Songbird Blish and Squid Rodent's drawn to the Squibbion's stores of seeds, grains, and plants.

As the Squibbion villages grew larger and larger this became a legitimate lifestyle for a subpopulation of Necksnare's.

These Necksnare's grew smaller about the size of a lynx to better slip through the Squibbion's villages and eating smaller prey as well as a darker and more spotted pattern to blend in with the dusk and night.

But more importantly this population underwent phycological changes like the Vicemouth's that gave rise to the Squid Dog's these Necksnare's underwent a reduce in reactionary aggression so if in the event of a Squibbion seeing them they were more likely to run away then to attack and risk getting killed.

Although Squibbion's had a ancestral hatred for Necksnare's overtime they began to grow tolerant and even appreciative to these Necksnare's as they saw the connection between these Necksnare's showing up around there home's and the sudden dramatic decrease in the Pest population.

Eventually once Squbbion's realized these Necksnare's weren't dangerous to them and actually quite helpful for them they were aloud to walk around the villages unimpeded and even encouraged to breed by the Squibbion's.

Domestic Necksnare's can now be found across the the villages of the Squibbion's with a few scattered feral populations living in the wild as well as hybrids with Arboreal Necksnare's.

Domestic Necksnare's despite being domesticated are far more wild then Squid Dog's and Blish Fowls often leaving the bounds of Squibbion society to go and hunt in the forest for food if they want.

Domestic Necksnare's are also far less close to Squibbion's then Squid Dog's being perfectly content to sleep outside and will sometimes leave for several days out into the woods.

Domestic Necksnare's have up to 8 pups at a time that they like other Terra Squids will be closely guarded by there mother for the first few months until they are able to walk from there they are independent and can hunt for themselves.

They live for up to 12-14 years in captivity although they can leave longer as the Squibbion's will take care off and treat injury's and sicknesses.