Industrial Revolution The Start Of The Late Squibbion Age

As times arrow marched ever forward countless Civilization's flickered into life and faded into memory. Across the entire continent millions of Squibbion lived and died some mighty rulers and merchant's but for most they simply lived there life out tending to the fields wither with pay or not didn't matter many didn't travel as far as 20 miles from there birth place with the feudal like lifestyle meant that they wouldn't have to.

At this time most Squibbion didn't live beyond thirty as Squibbion had no concept of germs bacteria or pathogens with the prevailing theory being you needed the "Correct balance of blue blood and clear blood all we got to do is cut your arm and drain you of some of your blood"

Religion dominated the world the verity of ancient faiths had been narrowed down to a few major religion's fighting over control of nobles and laymen alike.

However this began to change among the small noble class Squibbion began to study things new technology such as microscope's and telescopes allowed the Squibbion to study things above the earth's sky's the stars and planets and things below them such as microorganisms and the cells that made up there own body's

Squibbion began to understand how dieses transmitted why you got sick from drinking from that stagnant pound out in the woods why there blood was blue how there eye's worked how there heart's and lung's worked how sperm and egg formed the zygote the periodic table and more.

With the immense wealth generated by slave plantations rich Squibbion could invest in new things like machinery and the newly discovered coal seams in the southwest formed by the Bengal Swamp 12o million years ago . Capitalism was born within the Squibbion's factor's began to pop up. As Squibbion began to move into city's from the country villages turned into the first true city's full of workers and factory's pumping out millions of tones of carbon into the atmosphere (I'm sure that won't come back to bite them)

A factor along the northeast coast pumps smoke into the atmosphere well the factory owner makes wealth never before seen in Squibbion history the workers many of them children endure poor working and living conditions filled with soot and smoke in the coming year clash's between worker's unions and the bourgeoisie will become common place.

Little do the Squibbion know that the new tools they were creating were leading to the start of there downfall slowly but surely CO2 levels would begin to rise for now this affects are negligible but as decades go on the vast amount of greenhouse gas pumping into the atmosphere turn a planet hotter then our time even hotter

We have reached the beginning of the end of the Squibbion's reign over earth.