Blish Diversity Part 1

Blish (Ichthytototlia) are a widely successful order of Flish descendants found across Pangea 2 coming in all sizes and niches.

Despite there name Blish anatomy is far closer to bat's and pterosaur's with a long wing membrane and being covered in a primitive fur like fuzz and crusts being present in many species.

Blish lay leathery shark like eggs this adaptation has allowed them to become fully terrestrial like the much more basil Flish Blish are now the most widespread group of animals on the continent.

All modern Blish belong to the clade called 5 legged Blish with Flish and there relatives just outside of it.

The group were focusing on first are the Raptorial Blish.

Raptorial Blish were the first group of Blish to appear around 215 MYH as small scavengers they are the only group of Blish not inside the clade known as toothless Blish and as such posse the basil trait of vestigial teeth something all other Blish have lost.

Despite there name Raptorial Blish are far from the only carnivores Blish as there are numerous carnivorous and omnivorous species in the toothless Blish clade which we will see throughout the Îledescene.

Raptorial Blish are classified by strong hooked beaks large talons on there back feet and forward facing eyes in total there are around 300 species and 3 distinct family's.

-Hawk like Blish Hawk Blish(1) Falcon Blish(3) and Kite Blish(6)

The first group is the Hawk Like Blish consisting of the Hawk Blish Falcon Blish and Kite Flish this order is classified by there slender body and small size they are the smallest Raptorial Blish with no species getting larger then about a 180 cm wingspan they are the fastest Raptorial Blish with Falcon Blish reaching speeds of 120 km per hour when diving. Hawk Like Blish primarily hunt Squid Rodent's picking them up with there talons.

-Large Raptor Like Blish Owl Blish(2) and Eagle Blish(4)

Large Raptor Like Blish are classified by there generally large size and excellent eye sight among the best of any living animal. This group varies in size considerably from as small as 80 cm wingspan in small Owl Blish to as large as 2.5 Meters in the largest Eagle Blish. There diet varies greatly from small Squid Mice to other Blish to Silverswimmer's Large Raptor Blish are among the most successful predators of there ecosystems catching there prey by pouncing down from the sky's and killing them with there talons.

-Vulture Like Blish Vulture Blish(5)

Standing in a group by themselves are the Vulture Blish characterized by there relatively weak talons heads devoid of furthers and acute since of smell. Vulture Blish are among the largest Blish on the planet with wingspans up to 3.5 meters rivaled only by some of the largest seabird Blish. Vulture Blish are scavengers soaring the updrafts to look for carcasses they are among the most primitive living Blish and the first Blish family to appear.