The Thing Maker

Strange things are happening in the northern forest's of Europe things that will change the course of the Îledecene but the history of life on earth.

Squibbion's had always been a smart creature smarter then any other animal alive on Pangea 2.

However the Squibbion's were handy capped by an ancient part of there cephalopod anatomy the fact that there brains wrapped around there esophagus. To avoid this issue the Terrasquid's brains evolved a unique spiral shape to maximize it's size.

Arboreal Terrasquid's took this trait a step further moving between trees required quick reactions and over millennia there brains became a series of compact spirals coiled around there esophagus bearing a striking resemblance to a spring this allowed for faster nerve movements between the eyes and the optical lobe more precise movements with there tentacles and higher intelligence.

For 20 million years the Squibbion's walked a fine line clearly smarter then already smart animals of today like Dolphin's Primates' Corvid's or Elephants but clearly not as smart as humans they could use tools like sticks and stones they found on the ground but they could not make tools they could gave each other names but these gurgles and clicks meant nothing to them aside from identifying one another they could feel emotion but at the end of the day they were still animals that still lived by the basic principles of life to eat sleep and breed unable to comprehend the world around them.

Then on a rainy day 235 million year hence in the northern forests of what was once the city of Brussel's The Thing Maker was born.

From an early age Thing Maker stood out from her piers by age 1 she was fiddling around with rocks by the river shore for fun she wondered why no one else would join in on her fun games.

By age 3 she had began to help her troop forage she realized something.

" Rock's not only good for fun rocks help get fruit"

Using a rock to hack fruit off of tree's Thing Maker far outshined anyone in her trope at foraging she quickly rose to becoming the alpha female in her troop by age 5.

As time past Thing Maker decided to try and stick a rock on the end of a stick and see what happened she found that a stick with a rock on the end was great for bashing the heads of Silver Swimmers and Blish making her the most proficient hunter of her troop. Eventually she stuffed the stick with reeds she found along the river keeping the stone in place letting her bash heads in harder.

Because of this new thing she made although her actual name was a series of gurling clicks that a human could not pronounce she decided to call herself The Thing Maker

But Thing Maker wondered why no one else saw things the way she saw them she had explaining how to use rocks as tools to her mate the dominate male but he would simply roll the stone back and forth in his tentacles or throw sticks into the water for his own amusement when she had her first clutch of children she tried to teach them how to make tools but they would simply roll the stone around and play fight over it.

Thing Maker began to feel lonely that there was no one like her on the rare days that it wasn't raining she would climbed to the tops of the tree's over looking the hills of the northern forest she would look up at the sky and wonder.

" Why are the others not like me why me be different"

Then when she had her second clutch of children she noticed something incredible. Two of her son's were playing around with the remains of a Blish picking up stones and bashing them into the Blish's dismembered carcass just like her.